Aavishkar Patel
Aavishkar Patel
Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute
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Cited by
Cloning of Dirac fermions in graphene superlattices
LA Ponomarenko, RV Gorbachev, GL Yu, DC Elias, R Jalil, AA Patel, ...
Nature 497 (7451), 594-597, 2013
Generic miniband structure of graphene on a hexagonal substrate
JR Wallbank, AA Patel, M Mucha-Kruczyński, AK Geim, VI Fal'ko
Physical Review B 87, 245408, 2013
Floquet generation of Majorana end modes and topological invariants
M Thakurathi, AA Patel, D Sen, A Dutta
Physical Review B 88 (15), 155133, 2013
Quantum butterfly effect in weakly interacting diffusive metals
AA Patel, D Chowdhury, S Sachdev, B Swingle
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031047, 2017
Magnetotransport in a model of a disordered strange metal
AA Patel, J McGreevy, DP Arovas, S Sachdev
Physical Review X 8 (2), 021049, 2018
Quantum chaos on a critical Fermi surface
AA Patel, S Sachdev
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8), 1844-1849, 2017
Theory of a Planckian metal
AA Patel, S Sachdev
Physical Review Letters 123 (6), 066601, 2019
Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions
AA Patel, H Guo, I Esterlis, S Sachdev
Science 381 (6659), 790-793, 2023
Large- theory of critical Fermi surfaces
I Esterlis, H Guo, AA Patel, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 103 (23), 235129, 2021
Large-N theory of critical Fermi surfaces. II. Conductivity
H Guo, AA Patel, I Esterlis, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 106 (11), 115151, 2022
dc resistivity at the onset of spin density wave order in two-dimensional metals
AA Patel, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 90 (16), 165146, 2014
Solvable Theory of a strange metal at the breakdown of a heavy Fermi liquid
EE Aldape, T Cookmeyer, AA Patel, E Altman
Physical Review B 105 (23), 23511, 2022
Dirac edges of fractal magnetic minibands in graphene with hexagonal moire superlattices
X Chen, JR Wallbank, AA Patel, M Mucha-Kruczynski, E McCann, ...
Physical Review B 89 (7), 075401, 2014
Coherent superconductivity with a large gap ratio from incoherent metals
AA Patel, MJ Lawler, EA Kim
Physical Review Letters 121 (18), 187001, 2018
Critical strange metal from fluctuating gauge fields in a solvable random model
AA Patel, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 98 (12), 125134, 2018
Light induced enhancement of superconductivity via melting of competing bond-density wave order in underdoped cuprates
AA Patel, A Eberlein
Physical Review B 93 (19), 195139, 2016
Slope invariant T-linear resistivity from local self-energy
P Cha, AA Patel, E Gull, EA Kim
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033434, 2020
Hyperscaling at the spin density wave quantum critical point in two-dimensional metals
AA Patel, P Strack, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 92 (16), 165105, 2015
Quench dynamics of edge states in 2-D topological insulator ribbons
AA Patel, S Sharma, A Dutta
The European Physical Journal B 86 (9), 367, 2013
Thermoelectric power of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev islands: Probing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy in quantum matter experiments
A Kruchkov, AA Patel, P Kim, S Sachdev
Physical Review B 101 (20), 205148, 2020
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Articles 1–20