Siddarth Mathur
Siddarth Mathur
Qualcomm, Rutgers University
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Demo abstract: CDMA-based IoT services with shared band operation of LTE in 5G
S Mathur, SS Sagari, SO Amin, R Ravindran, D Saha, I Seskar, ...
2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2017
Realization of CDMA-based IoT services with shared band operation of LTE in 5G
SS Sagari, S Mathur, D Saha, SO Amin, R Ravindran, I Seskar, ...
Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Edge Communications, 37-42, 2017
Poster: Cross-layer MAC/PHY protocol to support IoT traffic in 5G
S Mathur, D Saha, D Raychaudhuri
22nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking …, 2016
Cross-layer MAC/PHY protocol to support IoT traffic in 5G: poster
S Mathur, D Saha, D Raychaudhuri
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2016
Low Latency CDMA-Based Protocol to Support IoT Traffic in 5G
S Mathur
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 2017
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