Debashree Chowdhury
Debashree Chowdhury
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Effect of spin rotation coupling on spin transport
D Chowdhury, B Basu
Annals of Physics 339, 358-370, 2013
Inertial spin Hall effect in non-commutative space
B Basu, D Chowdhury, S Ghosh
Physics Letters A 377 (28-30), 1661-1667, 2013
Photoinduced tunable anomalous Hall and Nernst effects in tilted Weyl semimetals using Floquet theory
A Menon, D Chowdhury, B Basu
Physical Review B 98 (20), 205109, 2018
Inertial effect on spin–orbit coupling and spin transport
B Basu, D Chowdhury
Annals of Physics 335, 47-60, 2013
The effect of inertia on the Dirac electron, the spin Hall current and the momentum space Berry curvature
D Chowdhury, B Basu
Annals of Physics 329, 166-178, 2013
Relativistic electron vortex beams in a laser field
P Bandyopadhyay, B Basu, D Chowdhury
Physical Review Letters 115 (19), 194801, 2015
Effect of a cosmic string on spin dynamics
D Chowdhury, B Basu
Physical Review D 90 (12), 125014, 2014
Light-driven Lifshitz transitions in non-Hermitian multi-Weyl semimetals
D Chowdhury, A Banerjee, A Narayan
Physical Review A 103 (5), L051101, 2021
Heat currents in electronic junctions driven by telegraph noise
O Entin-Wohlman, D Chowdhury, A Aharony, S Dattagupta
Physical Review B 96 (19), 195435, 2017
Exceptional hexagonal warping effect in multi-Weyl semimetals
D Chowdhury, A Banerjee, A Narayan
Physical Review B 105 (7), 075133, 2022
Electron vortex beams in a magnetic field and spin filter
D Chowdhury, B Basu, P Bandyopadhyay
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033812, 2015
The geometric phase and the geometrodynamics of relativistic electron vortex beams
P Bandyopadhyay, B Basu, D Chowdhury
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2014
Unified approach towards the dynamics of optical and electron vortex beams
P Bandyopadhyay, B Basu, D Chowdhury
Physical Review Letters 116 (14), 144801, 2016
Effect of perturbative hexagonal warping on quantum capacitance in ultra-thin topological insulators
A Menon, D Chowdhury, B Basu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (13), 135003, 2016
Spin transport in non-inertial frame
D Chowdhury, B Basu
Physica B: Condensed Matter 448, 155-161, 2014
Is telegraph noise a good model for the environment of mesoscopic systems?
A Aharony, O Entin-Wohlman, D Chowdhury, S Dattagupta
Journal of Statistical Physics 175, 704-724, 2019
Anomalous thermoelectric properties of a Floquet topological insulator with spin momentum non-orthogonality
M Saha, D Chowdhury
Journal of Applied Physics 122, 174301 (2017), 2017
Geometric phase and fractional orbital-angular-momentum states in electron vortex beams
P Bandyopadhyay, B Basu, D Chowdhury
Physical Review A 95 (1), 013821, 2017
Emergence of exceptional points and their spectroscopic signature in a Dirac semimetal–dirty superconductor heterojunction
S Jana, D Chowdhury, A Saha
Physical Review B 103 (23), 235438, 2021
Quantum Capacitance of a Topological Insulator-Ferromagnet Interface
ZB Siu, D Chowdhury, MBA Jalil, B Basu
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 45016, 2017
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