Margaret Sunde
Margaret Sunde
Professor of Molecular Biomedicine, The University of Sydney
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Cited by
Common core structure of amyloid fibrils by synchrotron X-ray diffraction
M Sunde, LC Serpell, M Bartlam, PE Fraser, MB Pepys, CCF Blake
Journal of molecular biology 273 (3), 729-739, 1997
Instability, unfolding and aggregation of human lysozyme variants underlying amyloid fibrillogenesis
DR Booth, M Sunde, V Bellotti, CV Robinson, WL Hutchinson, PE Fraser, ...
Nature 385 (6619), 787-793, 1997
The structure of amyloid fibrils by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction
M Sunde, C Blake
Advances in protein chemistry 50, 123-159, 1997
Amyloid fibril formation by an SH3 domain
JI Guijarro, M Sunde, JA Jones, ID Campbell, CM Dobson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (8), 4224-4228, 1998
The power of two: protein dimerization in biology
NJ Marianayagam, M Sunde, JM Matthews
Trends in biochemical sciences 29 (11), 618-625, 2004
Cryo‐electron microscopy structure of an SH3 amyloid fibril and model of the molecular packing
JL Jimenez, JI Guijarro, E Orlova, J Zurdo, CM Dobson, M Sunde, ...
The EMBO journal, 1999
From the globular to the fibrous state: protein structure and structural conversion in amyloid formation
M Sunde, CCF Blake
Quarterly reviews of biophysics 31 (1), 1-39, 1998
The protofilament substructure of amyloid fibrils
LC Serpell, M Sunde, MD Benson, GA Tennent, MB Pepys, PE Fraser
Journal of molecular biology 300 (5), 1033-1039, 2000
Sticky-end assembly of a designed peptide fiber provides insight into protein fibrillogenesis
MJ Pandya, GM Spooner, M Sunde, JR Thorpe, A Rodger, DN Woolfson
Biochemistry 39 (30), 8728-8734, 2000
Mutations in cardiac T-box factor gene TBX20 are associated with diverse cardiac pathologies, including defects of septation and valvulogenesis and cardiomyopathy
EP Kirk, M Sunde, MW Costa, SA Rankin, O Wolstein, ML Castro, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 81 (2), 280-291, 2007
Zinc fingers‐‐folds for many occasions
JM Matthews, M Sunde
IUBMB life 54 (6), 351-355, 2002
Partially Unfolded States of β2-Microglobulin and Amyloid Formation in Vitro
VJ McParland, NM Kad, AP Kalverda, A Brown, P Kirwin-Jones, ...
Biochemistry 39 (30), 8735-8746, 2000
Hydrophobins—unique fungal proteins
J Bayry, V Aimanianda, JI Guijarro, M Sunde, JP Latge
PLoS pathogens 8 (5), e1002700, 2012
Characterization of the oligomeric states of insulin in self-assembly and amyloid fibril formation by mass spectrometry
EJ Nettleton, P Tito, M Sunde, M Bouchard, CM Dobson, CV Robinson
Biophysical journal 79 (2), 1053-1065, 2000
Structural basis for rodlet assembly in fungal hydrophobins
AHY Kwan, RD Winefield, M Sunde, JM Matthews, RG Haverkamp, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (10), 3621-3626, 2006
Structural analysis of hydrophobins
M Sunde, AHY Kwan, MD Templeton, RE Beever, JP Mackay
Micron 39 (7), 773-784, 2008
Local cooperativity in the unfolding of an amyloidogenic variant of human lysozyme
D Canet, AM Last, P Tito, M Sunde, A Spencer, DB Archer, C Redfield, ...
nature structural biology 9 (4), 308-315, 2002
Interaction of the molecular chaperone αB-crystallin with α-synuclein: effects on amyloid fibril formation and chaperone activity
A Rekas, CG Adda, JA Aquilina, KJ Barnham, M Sunde, D Galatis, ...
Journal of molecular biology 340 (5), 1167-1183, 2004
Amyloid Fibril Formation by Bovine Milk κ-Casein and Its Inhibition by the Molecular Chaperones αS- and β-Casein
DC Thorn, S Meehan, M Sunde, A Rekas, SL Gras, CE MacPhee, ...
Biochemistry 44 (51), 17027-17036, 2005
The molecular basis of amyloidosis
LC Serpell, M Sunde, CCF Blake
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS 53, 871-887, 1997
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Articles 1–20