Scott Buckley
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Cited by
Microdialysis in soil environments: Current practice and future perspectives
S Buckley, R Brackin, S Jämtgård, T Näsholm, S Schmidt
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 143, 107743, 2020
Improving in situ recovery of soil nitrogen using the microdialysis technique
S Buckley, R Brackin, T Näsholm, S Schmidt, S Jämtgård
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 114, 93-103, 2017
Microdialysis as an in situ technique for sampling soil enzymes
S Buckley, D Allen, R Brackin, S Jämtgård, T Näsholm, S Schmidt
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135, 20-27, 2019
Drying and rewetting effects on organic matter mineralisation of contrasting soils after 36 years of storage
AR Jones, VVSR Gupta, S Buckley, R Brackin, S Schmidt, RC Dalal
Geoderma 342, 12-19, 2019
Soil biological health-What is it, and how can we improve it?
R Brackin, S Schmidt, D Walter, S Bhuiyan, S Buckley, J Anderson
39th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, ASSCT …, 2017
Sorbents can tailor nitrogen release from organic wastes to match the uptake capacity of crops
A Chin, S Schmidt, S Buckley, R Pirie, M Redding, B Laycock, P Luckman, ...
Science of the Total Environment 645, 1474-1483, 2018
Predicting nitrogen mineralisation in Australian irrigated cotton cropping systems
R Brackin, S Buckley, R Pirie, F Visser
Soil Research 57 (3), 247-256, 2019
Novel microdialysis technique reveals a dramatic shift in metabolite secretion during the early stages of the interaction between the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus …
KL Plett, S Buckley, JM Plett, IC Anderson, J Lundberg-Felten, S Jämtgård
Microorganisms 9 (9), 1817, 2021
The influence of sucrose on soil nitrogen availability–A root exudate simulation using microdialysis
S Buckley, R Brackin, T Näsholm, S Schmidt, S Jämtgård
Geoderma 409, 115645, 2022
Organic Wastes Amended with Sorbents Reduce N2O Emissions from Sugarcane Cropping
M Westermann, R Brackin, N Robinson, M Salazar Cajas, S Buckley, ...
Environments 8 (8), 78, 2021
Microdialysis–a new technology for investigating soil nitrogen fluxes in the rhizosphere
R Brackin, T Näsholm, N Robinson, S Guillou, K Vinall, S Buckley, ...
7th international nitrogen initiative conference, 2016
Microdialysis - a sensitive method for estimating plant-available N released during litter decomposition
S Buckley, R Brackin, S Schmidt
Microdialysis fluxes of inorganic nitrogen differ from extractable nitrogen by minimising disturbance of mineral-associated sources
S Buckley, D Allen, R Brackin, S Schmidt
Geoderma 435, 116510, 2023
A microdialysis perspective of soil nitrogen availability
SJ Buckley
Pisolithus microcarpus isolates with contrasting abilities to colonise Eucalyptus grandis exhibit significant differences in metabolic signalling
K Vishwakarma, S Buckley, JM Plett, J Lundberg-Felten, S Jämtgård, ...
Fungal Biology 128 (7), 2157-2166, 2024
Hydrogeomorphology drives biogeochemical patterns in riparian soils along a boreal headwater stream
M Reidy, S Buckley, S Jämtgård, H Laudon, RA Sponseller
Using microdialysis with a deuterium oxide tracer to estimate water exchange, water content and active surface area of the probe
S Buckley, H Lim, JD Marshall, D Randewig, OA Oyewole, T Näsholm, ...
Geoderma 439, 116689, 2023
The effect of root exudates on soil nitrogen availability-an evaluation using microdialysis
S Buckley, R Brackin, T Näsholm, S Schmidt, S Jämtgård
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14310, 2020
Microdialysis: A new technique for non-invasive soil nitrogen sampling
R Brackin, S Buckley, N Robinson, T Näsholm, E Inselsbacher, S Schmidt
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Articles 1–19