Michele Luvisotto
Michele Luvisotto
ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
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Ultra high performance wireless control for critical applications: Challenges and directions
M Luvisotto, Z Pang, D Dzung
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (3), 1448-1459, 2016
On the use of IEEE 802.11 n for industrial communications
F Tramarin, S Vitturi, M Luvisotto, A Zanella
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (5), 1877-1886, 2015
On the use of LoRaWAN for indoor industrial IoT applications
M Luvisotto, F Tramarin, L Vangelista, S Vitturi
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018 (1), 3982646, 2018
High-performance wireless networks for industrial control applications: New targets and feasibility
M Luvisotto, Z Pang, D Dzung
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (6), 1074-1093, 2019
Wireless high-performance communications: The challenges and opportunities of a new target
Z Pang, M Luvisotto, D Dzung
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 11 (3), 20-25, 2017
Threshold-free physical layer authentication based on machine learning for industrial wireless CPS
F Pan, Z Pang, H Wen, M Luvisotto, M Xiao, RF Liao, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (12), 6481-6491, 2019
Physical-layer security for industrial wireless control systems: Basics and future directions
F Pan, Z Pang, M Luvisotto, M Xiao, H Wen
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 12 (4), 18-27, 2018
Physical layer design of high-performance wireless transmission for critical control applications
M Luvisotto, Z Pang, D Dzung, M Zhan, X Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (6), 2844-2854, 2017
Distributed clustering strategies in industrial wireless sensor networks
A Cenedese, M Luvisotto, G Michieletto
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (1), 228-237, 2016
A look inside 5G standards to support time synchronization for smart manufacturing
I Godor, M Luvisotto, S Ruffini, K Wang, D Patel, J Sachs, O Dobrijevic, ...
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 4 (3), 14-21, 2020
A dynamic rate selection algorithm for IEEE 802.11 industrial wireless LAN
F Tramarin, S Vitturi, M Luvisotto
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (2), 846-855, 2016
Physics-informed neural networks for modelling power transformer’s dynamic thermal behaviour
F Bragone, K Morozovska, P Hilber, T Laneryd, M Luvisotto
Electric power systems research 211, 108447, 2022
Packet detection by a single OFDM symbol in URLLC for critical industrial control: A realistic study
X Jiang, Z Pang, M Zhan, D Dzung, M Luvisotto, C Fischione
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (4), 933-946, 2019
Towards High-Performance Wireless Control: Packet Error Rate in Real Factory Environments
M Zhan, Z Pang, D Dzung, M Luvisotto, K Yu, M Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (8), 5554-5564, 2019
Using a large data set to improve industrial wireless communications: Latency, reliability, and security
X Jiang, Z Pang, M Luvisotto, F Pan, R Candell, C Fischione
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 13 (1), 6-12, 2019
Authentication based on channel state information for industrial wireless communications
F Pan, Z Pang, M Luvisotto, X Jiang, RN Jansson, M Xiao, H Wen
IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2018
Clock synchronization for wireless time-sensitive networking: A march from microsecond to nanosecond
Ó Seijo, I Val, M Luvisotto, Z Pang
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 16 (2), 35-43, 2021
Delay optimization for industrial wireless control systems based on channel characterization
X Jiang, Z Pang, M Luvisotto, R Candell, D Dzung, C Fischione
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (9), 5855-5865, 2020
Latency performance of 5G new radio for critical industrial control systems
X Jiang, M Luvisotto, Z Pang, C Fischione
2019 24th IEEE International conference on emerging technologies and factory …, 2019
Wireless high-performance communications: Improving effectiveness and creating ultrahigh reliability with channel coding
M Zhan, Z Pang, M Xiao, M Luvisotto, D Dzung
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 12 (3), 32-37, 2018
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