Umberto Sabatini
Umberto Sabatini
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Cortical motor reorganization in akinetic patients with Parkinson's disease: a functional MRI study
U Sabatini, K Boulanouar, N Fabre, F Martin, C Carel, C Colonnese, ...
Brain 123 (2), 394-403, 2000
Magnetic resonance imaging markers of Parkinson’s disease nigrostriatal signature
P Péran, A Cherubini, F Assogna, F Piras, C Quattrocchi, A Peppe, ...
Brain 133 (11), 3423-3433, 2010
Neural bases of personal and extrapersonal neglect in humans
G Committeri, S Pitzalis, G Galati, F Patria, G Pelle, U Sabatini, ...
Brain 130 (2), 431-441, 2007
Supplementary and primary sensory motor area activity in Parkinson's disease: regional cerebral blood flow changes during finger movements and effects of apomorphine
O Rascol, U Sabatini, F Chollet, P Celsis, JL Montastruc, ...
Archives of Neurology 49 (2), 144-148, 1992
The ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere is overactive during hand movements in akinetic parkinsonian patients.
O Rascol, U Sabatini, N Fabre, C Brefel, I Loubinoux, P Celsis, JM Senard, ...
Brain: a journal of neurology 120 (1), 103-110, 1997
Aging of subcortical nuclei: microstructural, mineralization and atrophy modifications measured in vivo using MRI
A Cherubini, P Péran, C Caltagirone, U Sabatini, G Spalletta
Neuroimage 48 (1), 29-36, 2009
Inspiratory muscle rehabilitation in critically ill adults. A systematic review and meta-analysis
S Vorona, U Sabatini, S Al-Maqbali, M Bertoni, M Dres, B Bissett, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 15 (6), 735-744, 2018
Use of Bacille Calmette–Guerin (BCG) in multiple sclerosis
G Ristori, MG Buzzi, U Sabatini, E Giugni, S Bastianello, F Viselli, ...
Neurology 53 (7), 1588-1588, 1999
Motor recovery after stroke: Morphological and functional brain alterations
P Pantano, R Formisano, M Ricci, VD Piero, U Sabatini, BD Pofi, R Rossi, ...
Brain 119 (6), 1849-1857, 1996
Cortical motor overactivation in parkinsonian patients with L-dopa-induced peak-dose dyskinesia.
O Rascol, U Sabatini, C Brefel, N Fabre, S Rai, JM Senard, P Celsis, ...
Brain: a journal of neurology 121 (3), 527-533, 1998
Square wave jerks in parkinsonian syndromes.
O Rascol, U Sabatini, M Simonetta-Moreau, JL Montastruc, A Rascol, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 54 (7), 599-602, 1991
Demyelinating plaques in relapsing-remitting and secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis: assessment with diffusion MR imaging
AC Scanderbeg, F Tomaiuolo, U Sabatini, U Nocentini, MG Grasso, ...
American journal of neuroradiology 21 (5), 862-868, 2000
Normal activation of the supplementary motor area in patients with Parkinson's disease undergoing long-term treatment with levodopa.
O Rascol, U Sabatini, F Chollet, N Fabre, JM Senard, JL Montastruc, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 57 (5), 567-571, 1994
Combined volumetry and DTI in subcortical structures of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease patients
A Cherubini, P Péran, I Spoletini, M Di Paola, F Di Iulio, GE Hagberg, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 19 (4), 1273-1282, 2010
Object naming and action-verb generation in Parkinson's disease: a fMRI study
P Péran, D Cardebat, A Cherubini, F Piras, G Luccichenti, A Peppe, ...
cortex 45 (8), 960-971, 2009
Biological and clinical manifestations of juvenile Huntington's disease: a retrospective analysis
C Fusilli, S Migliore, T Mazza, F Consoli, A De Luca, G Barbagallo, ...
The Lancet Neurology 17 (11), 986-993, 2018
Functional changes in the activity of cerebellum and frontostriatal regions during externally and internally timed movement in Parkinson's disease
A Cerasa, GE Hagberg, A Peppe, M Bianciardi, MC Gioia, A Costa, ...
Brain research bulletin 71 (1-3), 259-269, 2006
A new MR imaging index for differentiation of progressive supranuclear palsy-parkinsonism from Parkinson's disease
A Quattrone, M Morelli, S Nigro, A Quattrone, B Vescio, G Arabia, ...
Parkinsonism & related disorders 54, 3-8, 2018
Volume and iron content in basal ganglia and thalamus
P Péran, A Cherubini, G Luccichenti, G Hagberg, JF Démonet, O Rascol, ...
Human brain mapping 30 (8), 2667-2675, 2009
Bilateral transcranial direct current stimulation language treatment enhances functional connectivity in the left hemisphere: preliminary data from aphasia
P Marangolo, V Fiori, U Sabatini, G De Pasquale, C Razzano, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 28 (5), 724-738, 2016
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