Jan F. Finke
Jan F. Finke
Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; University of British Columbia
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Re-examination of the relationship between marine virus and microbial cell abundances
CH Wigington, D Sonderegger, CPD Brussaard, A Buchan, JF Finke, ...
Nature microbiology 1 (3), 1-9, 2016
Reversal in competitive dominance of a toxic versus non-toxic cyanobacterium in response to rising CO2
DB Van de Waal, JMH Verspagen, JF Finke, V Vournazou, AK Immers, ...
The ISME journal 5 (9), 1438-1450, 2011
Rising CO2 Levels Will Intensify Phytoplankton Blooms in Eutrophic and Hypertrophic Lakes
JMH Verspagen, DB Van de Waal, JF Finke, PM Visser, E Van Donk, ...
PloS one 9 (8), e104325, 2014
Contrasting effects of rising CO2 on primary production and ecological stoichiometry at different nutrient levels
JMH Verspagen, DB Van de Waal, JF Finke, PM Visser, J Huisman
Ecology letters 17 (8), 951-960, 2014
A comprehensive method for amplicon-based and metagenomic characterization of viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes in freshwater samples
MI Uyaguari-Diaz, M Chan, BL Chaban, MA Croxen, JF Finke, JE Hill, ...
Microbiome 4, 1-19, 2016
Nutrients and other environmental factors influence virus abundances across oxic and hypoxic marine environments
JF Finke, BPV Hunt, C Winter, EC Carmack, CA Suttle
Viruses 9 (6), 152, 2017
A compendium of geochemical information from the Saanich Inlet water column
M Torres-Beltrán, AK Hawley, D Capelle, E Zaikova, DA Walsh, A Mueller, ...
Scientific Data 4 (1), 1-11, 2017
Transcriptional responses of the marine green alga Micromonas pusilla and an infecting prasinovirus under different phosphate conditions
C Bachy, CJ Charlesworth, AM Chan, JF Finke, CH Wong, CL Wei, ...
Environmental Microbiology 20 (8), 2898-2912, 2018
Variation in the Genetic Repertoire of Viruses Infecting Micromonas pusilla Reflects Horizontal Gene Transfer and Links to Their Environmental Distribution
JF Finke, DM Winget, AM Chan, CA Suttle
Viruses 9 (5), 116, 2017
Ballast water treatment systems:“Old” and “New” ones
M Veldhuis, C ten Hallers, EB de la Rivičre, F Fuhr, J Finke, ...
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 9, 213-222, 2010
The environment and cyanophage diversity: insights from environmental sequencing of DNA polymerase
JF Finke, CA Suttle
Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 167, 2019
Metatranscriptomics reveals a shift in microbial community composition and function during summer months in a coastal marine environment
BJG Sutherland, JF Finke, R Saunders, S Warne, AD Schulze, ...
Environmental DNA 5 (5), 920-933, 2023
Factors influencing organism counts in ballast water samples and their implications
F Fuhr, J Finke, PP Stehouwer, S Oosterhuis, M Veldhuis
Emerging Ballast Water Management Systems, 253, 2010
The prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbiome of Pacific oyster spat is shaped by ocean warming but not acidification
KX Zhong, AM Chan, B Collicutt, M Daspe, JF Finke, M Foss, TJ Green, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 90 (4), e00052-24, 2024
Deep6: Classification of Metatranscriptomic Sequences into Cellular Empires and Viral Realms Using Deep Learning Models
JF Finke, CTE Kellogg, CA Suttle
Microbiology Resource Announcements 12 (2), e01079-22, 2023
Re-examining the relationship between virus and microbial cell abundances in the global oceans
CH Wigington, D Sonderegger, CPD Brussaard, A Buchan, JF Finke, ...
bioRxiv, 025544, 2015
The core microbiome of cultured Pacific oyster spat develops with age but not mortality
A Cho, JF Finke, KX Zhong, AM Chan, R Saunders, A Schulze, S Warne, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.10. 27.564467, 2023
Environmental and genomic insights into marine virus populations and communities
JF Finke
University of British Columbia, 2017
The core microbiome of cultured Pacific oyster spat is affected by age but not mortality
A Cho, JF Finke, KX Zhong, AM Chan, R Saunders, A Schulze, S Warne, ...
Microbiology Spectrum 12 (10), e00031-24, 2024
Author Correction: A compendium of geochemical information from the Saanich Inlet water column
M Torres-Beltrán, AK Hawley, D Capelle, E Zaikova, DA Walsh, A Mueller, ...
Scientific Data 6, 2019
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Articles 1–20