Ronald D. Delaune
Ronald D. Delaune
Research Professor, Louisiana State University
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Biogeochemistry of wetlands: science and applications
KR Reddy, RD DeLaune
Crc Press, 2004
Effect of redox potential and pH on arsenic speciation and solubility in a contaminated soil
PH Masscheleyn, RD Delaune, WH Patrick Jr
Environmental Science & Technology 25 (8), 1414-1419, 1991
Soil redox and pH effects on methane production in a flooded rice soil
ZP Wang, RD Delaune, WH Patrick, PH Masscheleyn
Soil Science Society of America Journal 57 (2), 382-385, 1993
Sedimentation rates determined by 137Cs dating in a rapidly accreting salt marsh
RD DeLaune, WH Patrick, RJ Buresh
Nature 275 (5680), 532-533, 1978
Marsh vertical accretion via vegetative growth
JA Nyman, RJ Walters, RD Delaune, WH Patrick Jr
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 69 (3), 370-380, 2006
Transformations of selenium as affected by sediment oxidation-reduction potential and pH
PH Masscheleyn, RD Delaune, WH Patrick Jr
Environmental science & technology 24 (1), 91-96, 1990
Arsenic and selenium chemistry as affected by sediment redox potential and pH
PH Masscheleyn, RD Delaune, WH Patrick
Journal of Environmental Quality 20 (3), 522-527, 1991
Aerenchyma formation and methane and oxygen exchange in rice
HK Kludze, RD DeLaune, WH Patrick
Soil Science Society of America Journal 57 (2), 386-391, 1993
Effect of estuarine sediment pH and oxidation-reduction potential on microbial hydrocarbon degradation
GA Hambrick, RD DeLaune, WH Patrick
Applied and environmental microbiology 40 (2), 365-369, 1980
Soil oxidation-reduction in wetlands and its impact on plant functioning
SR Pezeshki, RD DeLaune
Biology 1 (2), 196-221, 2012
Phosphorus sorption characteristics of flooded soils
RA Khalid, WH Patrick, RD DeLaune
Soil Science Society of America Journal 41 (2), 305-310, 1977
Relationship of marsh elevation, redox potential, and sulfide to Spartina alterniflora productivity
RD DeLaune, CJ Smith, WH Patrick
Soil Science Society of America Journal 47 (5), 930-935, 1983
Influence of sediment redox conditions on release/solubility of metals and nutrients in a Louisiana Mississippi River deltaic plain freshwater lake
S Miao, RD DeLaune, A Jugsujinda
Science of the Total Environment 371 (1), 334-343, 2006
Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from laboratory measurements of rice soil suspension: effect of soil oxidation-reduction status
PH Masscheleyn, RD DeLaune, WH Patrick Jr
Chemosphere 26 (1), 251-260, 1993
Methane release from Gulf coast wetlands
RD DeLaune, CJ Smith, WH Patrick
Tellus B 35 (1), 8-15, 1983
Methane production from anaerobic soil amended with rice straw and nitrogen fertilizers
Z Wang, RD Delaune, CW Lindau, WH Patrick Jr
Fertilizer Research 33 (2), 115-121, 1992
Chromium redox chemistry in a lower Mississippi Valley bottomland hardwood wetland
PH Masscheleyn, JH Pardue, RD DeLaune, WH Patrick, Jr
Environmental Science & Technology 26 (6), 1217-1226, 1992
Characterization of the oxidized and reduced zones in flooded soil
WH Patrick, RD Delaune
Soil Science Society of America Journal 36 (4), 573-576, 1972
Phytoaccumulation of lead by sunflower (Helianthus annuus), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), and vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
B Boonyapookana, P Parkpian, S Techapinyawat, RD DeLaune, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health 40 (1), 117-137, 2005
Major biogeochemical processes in soils-A microcosm incubation from reducing to oxidizing conditions
K Yu, F Böhme, J Rinklebe, HU Neue, RD DeLaune
Soil Science Society of America Journal 71 (4), 1406-1417, 2007
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