Kanika  Sharma Inglett
Kanika Sharma Inglett
Res. Assistant Professor
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Temperature sensitivity of greenhouse gas production in wetland soils of different vegetation
KS Inglett, PW Inglett, KR Reddy, TZ Osborne
Biogeochemistry 108, 77-90, 2012
The rate of permafrost carbon release under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and its potential effects on climate
H Lee, EAG Schuur, KS Inglett, M Lavoie, JP Chanton
Global Change Biology 18 (2), 515-527, 2012
Land‐use effects on soil nutrient cycling and microbial community dynamics in the everglades agricultural area, Florida
R Ye, AL Wright, K Inglett, Y Wang, AV Ogram, KR Reddy
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 40 (17-18), 2725-2742, 2009
Rate of warming affects temperature sensitivity of anaerobic peat decomposition and greenhouse gas production
D Sihi, PW Inglett, S Gerber, KS Inglett
Global Change Biology 24 (1), e259-e274, 2018
Soil microbial community responses to long-term land use intensification in subtropical grazing lands
S Xu, ML Silveira, KS Inglett, LE Sollenberger, S Gerber
Geoderma 293, 73-81, 2017
Heterotrophic microbial activity in lake sediments: effects of organic electron donors
IC Torres, KS Inglett, KR Reddy
Biogeochemistry 104, 165-181, 2011
Comparing models of microbial–substrate interactions and their response to warming
D Sihi, S Gerber, PW Inglett, KS Inglett
Biogeosciences 13 (6), 1733-1752, 2016
Carbon quality and nutrient status drive the temperature sensitivity of organic matter decomposition in subtropical peat soils
D Sihi, PW Inglett, KS Inglett
Biogeochemistry 131, 103-119, 2016
Clostridium chromiireducens sp. nov., isolated from Cr(VI)-contaminated soil
KS Inglett, HS Bae, HC Aldrich, K Hatfield, AV Ogram
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 61 (11 …, 2011
Soil microbial community composition in a restored calcareous subtropical wetland
KS Inglett, PW Inglett, KR Reddy
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (5), 1731-1740, 2011
Biogeochemical changes during early development of restored calcareous wetland soils
PW Inglett, KS Inglett
Geoderma 192, 132-141, 2013
Greenhouse gas emissions under different drainage and flooding regimes of cultivated peatlands
J Hu, CM VanZomeren, KS Inglett, AL Wright, MW Clark, KR Reddy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 (11), 3047-3062, 2017
Restoration of disturbed lands: the Hole-in-the-Donut restoration in the Everglades
CS Smith, L Serra, Y Li, P Inglett, K Inglett
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41 (S1), 723-739, 2011
Seasonal patterns of nitrogen cycling in subtropical short-hydroperiod wetlands: Effects of precipitation and restoration
X Liao, PW Inglett, KS Inglett
Science of The Total Environment 556, 136-145, 2016
Duration and frequency of drainage and flooding events interactively affect soil biogeochemistry and N flux in subtropical peat soils
J Hu, X Liao, LG Vardanyan, Y Huang, KS Inglett, AL Wright, KR Reddy
Science of the Total Environment 727, 138740, 2020
Warming rate drives microbial nutrient demand and enzyme expression during peat decomposition
D Sihi, PW Inglett, KS Inglett
Geoderma 336, 12-21, 2019
Nitrous oxide production and consumption by denitrification in a grassland: Effects of grazing and hydrology
J Hu, KS Inglett, MW Clark, PW Inglett, KR Reddy
Science of the Total Environment 532, 702-710, 2015
Influence of select bioenergy by-products on soil carbon and microbial activity: A laboratory study
T Bera, L Vardanyan, KS Inglett, KR Reddy, GA O'Connor, JE Erickson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 653, 1354-1363, 2019
Effect of land-use conversion on ecosystem C stock and distribution in subtropical grazing lands
S Xu, ML Silveira, KS Inglett, LE Sollenberger, S Gerber
Plant and soil 399, 233-245, 2016
Fire effects on nitrogen cycling in native and restored calcareous wetlands
X Liao, PW Inglett, KS Inglett
Fire Ecology 9, 6-20, 2013
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Articles 1–20