Alice Mahoney
Alice Mahoney
Quantum Nanoscience Lab, University of Sydney
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Cited by
Dispersive readout of a few-electron double quantum dot with fast rf gate sensors
JI Colless, AC Mahoney, JM Hornibrook, AC Doherty, H Lu, AC Gossard, ...
Physical review letters 110 (4), 046805, 2013
On-chip microwave quantum hall circulator
AC Mahoney, JI Colless, SJ Pauka, JM Hornibrook, JD Watson, ...
Physical Review X 7 (1), 011007, 2017
Frequency multiplexing for readout of spin qubits
JM Hornibrook, JI Colless, AC Mahoney, XG Croot, S Blanvillain, H Lu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (10), 2014
Zero-field edge plasmons in a magnetic topological insulator
AC Mahoney, JI Colless, L Peeters, SJ Pauka, EJ Fox, X Kou, L Pan, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1836, 2017
Detection of the quantum capacitance of a point contact via dispersive gate sensing
MC Jarratt, SJ Waddy, A Jouan, AC Mahoney, GC Gardner, S Fallahi, ...
Physical Review Applied 14 (6), 064021, 2020
Dispersive Gate Sensing the Quantum Capacitance of a Point Contact
MC Jarratt, A Jouan, AC Mahoney, SJ Waddy, GC Gardner, S Fallahi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.07793, 2019
Towards Autonomous Tuning of Double Quantum Dots
J Darulova, S Pauka, A Mahoney, J Hornibrook, N Wiebe, C Granade, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, Y29. 007, 2019
Gate-Sensing the Potential Landscape of a GaAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
X Croot, A Mahoney, S Pauka, J Colless, D Reilly, J Watson, S Fallahi, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, E52. 010, 2017
On-chip microwave circulators using quantum Hall plasmonics
A Mahoney, J Colless, S Pauka, J Hornibrook, A Doherty, D Reilly, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, S51. 007, 2017
Zero-field edge plasmons in a magnetic topological insulator
J Colless, AC Mahoney, S Pauka, D Reilly, EJ Fox, D Goldhaber-Gordon, ...
Nature Publishing Group, 2017
On-chip microwave quantum hall circulator
J Colless, A Doherty, J Hornibrook, AC Mahoney, S Pauka, D Reilly, ...
American Physical Society, 2017
Dispersive Readout of a Few-Electron Double Quantum Dot with Fast rf Gate-Sensors
A Mahoney, J Colless, J Hornibrook, A Doherty, D Reilly, H Lu, A Gossard
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, M26. 008, 2013
Spectroscopy of a GaAs Double Dot Qubit with Dispersive Readout
J Colless, A Mahoney, X Croot, J Hornibrook, A Doherty, T Stace, H Lu, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, M26. 009, 2013
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Articles 1–13