Ranjan Kumar Manna
Ranjan Kumar Manna
ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute
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Spatial distribution of meso and microplastics in the sediments of river Ganga at eastern India
DJ Sarkar, SD Sarkar, BK Das, RK Manna, BK Behera, S Samanta
Science of the Total Environment 694, 133712, 2019
Occurrence, fate and removal of microplastics as heavy metal vector in natural wastewater treatment wetland system
DJ Sarkar, SD Sarkar, BK Das, BK Sahoo, A Das, SK Nag, RK Manna, ...
Water research 192, 116853, 2021
Microplastics removal efficiency of drinking water treatment plant with pulse clarifier
DJ Sarkar, SD Sarkar, BK Das, JK Praharaj, DK Mahajan, B Purokait, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 413, 125347, 2021
Phospholipid microspheres: a novel delivery mode for targeting antileishmanial agent in experimental leishmaniasis
S Medda, P Jaisankar, RK Manna, B Pal, VS Giri, MK Basu
Journal of drug targeting 11 (2), 123-128, 2003
Fishing crafts and gear in river Krishna
RK Manna, AK Das, DSK Rao, M Karthikeyan, DN Singh
Indian journal of traditional knowledge 10 (3), 491-497, 2011
Phytoplankton community structure of the Gangetic (Hooghly-Matla) estuary: Status and ecological implications in relation to eco-climatic variability
CM Roshith, DK Meena, RK Manna, AK Sahoo, HS Swain, RK Raman, ...
Flora 240, 133-143, 2018
Fishing crafts and gear of North Eastern India
BK Bhattacharjya, RK Manna, M Choudhury
Bull 142, 2004
Environmental factors driving phytoplankton assemblage pattern and diversity: insights from Sundarban eco-region, India
P Gogoi, SK Das, SD Sarkar, TN Chanu, RK Manna, A Sengupta, ...
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 21 (2), 354-367, 2021
Length–weight relationships of six tropical fish species from Chilika Lagoon, India
D Panda, SK Karna, M Mukherjee, RK Manna, VR Suresh, AP Sharma
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32 (6), 1286-1289, 2016
Ichthyofaunal diversity, assemblage structure and seasonal dynamics in the freshwater tidal stretch of Hooghly estuary along the Gangetic delta
CM Roshith, AP Sharma, RK Manna, BB Satpathy, U Bhaumik
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 16 (4), 445-453, 2013
Impact assessment of barge trafficking on phytoplankton abundance and Chl a concentration, in River Ganga, India
SD Sarkar, M Naskar, P Gogoi, RK Raman, RK Manna, S Samanta, ...
Plos one 14 (9), 2019
Amylase and protease activity in shrimps and prawn of Sundarbans, West Bengal, India
S Roy, V Kumar, A Mitra, RK Manna, VR Suresh, S Homechaudhuri
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2018
Spatio-temporal changes of hydro-chemical parameters in the estuarine part of the river Ganges under altered hydrological regime and its impact on biotic communities
RK Manna, BB Satpathy, CM Roshith, M Naskar, U Bhaumik, AP Sharma
Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 16 (4), 433-444, 2013
Impact of the river Moosi on river Krishna I. Limno-chemistry
RK Manna, AK Das
Pollution Research 23, 117-124, 2004
Variation of Aulacoseira granulata as an eco-pollution indicator in subtropical large river Ganga in India: a multivariate analytical approach
TR Mohanty, NK Tiwari, S Kumari, A Ray, RK Manna, S Bayen, S Roy, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (25), 37498-37512, 2022
Synthesis of antileishmanial (5R)-(-)-5-carbomethoxy-3-formyl-5, 6-dihydroindolo-[2, 3-a]-indolizine
P Jaisankar, B Pal, RK Manna, PK Pradhan, S Medda, MK Basu, VS Giri
Arkivoc, 150-157, 2003
The present status of ichthyofaunal diversity of river Ganga India: Synthesis of present v/s past
BK Das, A Ray, C Johnson, SK Verma, A Alam, R Baitha, RK Manna, ...
Acta Ecologica Sinica 43 (2), 307-332, 2023
Length–weight and length–length relationship of Strongylura strongylura (van Hasselt, 1823) and Hyporhamphus limbatus (Valenciennes, 1847) from Chilika Lake …
SK Karna, M Mukherjee, VR Suresh, RK Manna, HM Manas, RK Raman
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33 (3), 640-641, 2017
Microplastics pollution: an emerging threat to freshwater aquatic ecosystem of India
DJ Sarkar, SD Sarkar, RK Manna, S Samanta, BK Das
J Inland Fish Soc India 52 (1), 05-15, 2020
Fish and shellfish diversity and its sustainable management in Chilika Lake
VR Suresh, SK Mohanty, RK Manna, KS Bhatta, M Mukherjee, SK Karna, ...
ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and …, 2018
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Articles 1–20