Lei Chu
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A Survey on Nonconvex Regularization-Based Sparse and Low-Rank Recovery in Signal Processing, Statistics, and Machine Learning
F Wen, L Chu, P Liu, RC Qiu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.05403, 2018
Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities: Communication Networks and Services
HT Mouftah(Editors), M Erol-Kantarci(Editors), MH Rehmani(Editors), ...
Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities: Communication Networks and …, 2018
An accurate and real-time self-blast glass insulator location method based on faster R-CNN and U-net with aerial images
Z Ling, RC Qiu, Z Jin, Y Zhang, X He, H Liu, L Chu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.05143, 2018
Ahed: A heterogeneous-domain deep learning model for iot-enabled smart health with few-labeled data
L Chu, L Pei, R Qiu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (23), 16787-16800, 2017
Accurate localization of multiple sources using semidefinite programming based on incomplete range matrix
X Guo, L Chu, X Sun
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (13), 5319-5324, 2016
Designing for situation awareness of future power grids: An indicator system based on linear eigenvalue statistics of large random matrices
X He, RC Qiu, Q Ai, L Chu, X Xu, Z Ling
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.07082, 2016
A novel data-driven situation awareness approach for future grids—Using large random matrices for big data modeling
X He, L Chu, RC Qiu, Q Ai, Z Ling
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.05076, 2018
Invisible units detection and estimation based on random matrix theory
X He, L Chu, RC Qiu, Q Ai, Z Ling, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (3), 1846-1855, 2019
A Deep Learning Approach for Fault Type Identification of Transmission Line
S Xu, C Qiu, D Zhang, X He, L Chu, H Yang
Proceedings of the CSEE 39, 65--74, 2019
A deep learning method for complex human activity recognition using virtual wearable sensors
F Xiao, L Pei, L Chu, D Zou, W Yu, Y Zhu, T Li
Spatial Data and Intelligence: First International Conference, SpatialDI …, 2021
Efficient nonlinear precoding for massive MIMO downlink systems with 1-bit DACs
L Chu, F Wen, L Li, R Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (9), 4213-4224, 2019
Massive streaming PMU data modelling and analytics in smart grid state evaluation based on multiple high-dimensional covariance test
L Chu, R Qiu, X He, Z Ling, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 4 (1), 55-64, 2017
MARS: Mixed virtual and real wearable sensors for human activity recognition with multidomain deep learning model
L Pei, S Xia, L Chu, F Xiao, Q Wu, W Yu, R Qiu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (11), 9383-9396, 2021
Smarter Energy: From Smart Metering to the Smart Grid
H Sun(Editor), N Hatziargyriou(Editor), HV Poor(Editor), ...
Smarter Energy: From Smart Metering to the Smart Grid, 2016
Learning disentangled representation for mixed-reality human activity recognition with a single IMU sensor
S Xia, L Chu, L Pei, Z Zhang, W Yu, RC Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-14, 2021
Advanced Data Analytics for Power Systems
A Tajer(Editor), SM Perlaza(Editor), HV Poor(Editor), R Qiu, X He, L Chu, ...
Advanced Data Analytics for Power Systems 7, 2021
Improving power system state estimation based on matrix-level cleaning
H Yang, RC Qiu, L Chu, T Mi, X Shi, CM Liu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (5), 3529-3540, 2020
A new approach of exploiting self-adjoint matrix polynomials of large random matrices for anomaly detection and fault location
Z Ling, RC Qiu, X He, L Chu
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 7 (3), 548-558, 2019
Early anomaly detection and localisation in distribution network: A data‐driven approach
X Shi, R Qiu, X He, Z Ling, H Yang, L Chu
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (18), 3814-3825, 2020
徐舒玮, 邱才明, 张东霞, 贺兴, 储磊, 杨浩森
中国电机工程学报 39 (1), 65-74,321, 2019
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