Haifeng Lang
Haifeng Lang
The University of Tokyo
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Cited by
Mobility anisotropy of two-dimensional semiconductors
H Lang, S Zhang, Z Liu
Physical Review B 94 (23), 235306, 2016
Anisotropic carrier mobility in two-dimensional materials with tilted Dirac cones: theory and application
T Cheng, H Lang, Z Li, Z Liu, Z Liu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (35), 23942-23950, 2017
Gauge-symmetry protection using single-body terms
JC Halimeh, H Lang, J Mildenberger, Z Jiang, P Hauke
PRX Quantum 2 (4), 040311, 2021
Gauge protection in non-abelian lattice gauge theories
JC Halimeh, H Lang, P Hauke
New Journal of Physics 24 (3), 033015, 2022
Dynamical quantum phase transition for mixed states in open systems
H Lang, Y Chen, Q Hong, H Fan
Physical Review B 98 (13), 134310, 2018
Disorder-free localization with stark gauge protection
H Lang, P Hauke, J Knolle, F Grusdt, JC Halimeh
Physical Review B 106 (17), 174305, 2022
Reliability of lattice gauge theories in the thermodynamic limit
M Van Damme, H Lang, P Hauke, JC Halimeh
Physical Review B 107 (3), 035153, 2023
Generalized Discrete Truncated Wigner Approximation for Nonadiabatic Quantum-Classical Dynamics
H Lang, O Vendrell, P Hauke
The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (2), 024111, 2021
Kinetic control of Phytic acid/Lixisenatide/Fe (III) ternary nanoparticles assembly process for sustained peptide release
Y Wang, X Song, L Zhuang, H Lang, L Yu, X Yan, Z He
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 611, 121317, 2022
Diagonal entropy in many-body systems: Volume effect and quantum phase transitions
Z Wang, ZH Sun, Y Zeng, H Lang, Q Hong, J Cui, H Fan
Physics Letters A 384 (16), 126333, 2020
Quantum dynamics of chemical systems with large number of degrees of freedom: Linearized phase space methods and quantum simulations
H Lang
Quantum speedup dynamics process without non-Markovianity
YJ Zhang, X Lu, HF Lang, ZX Man, YJ Xia, H Fan
Quantum Information Processing 20, 1-21, 2021
A Universal Quantum Computing Virtual Machine
QT Hong, ZY Ge, W Wang, HF Lang, ZA Wang, Y Peng, JJ Chen, LH Ren, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06511, 2018
Short-time accuracy and intra-electron correlation for nonadiabatic quantum–classical mapping approaches
H Lang, P Hauke
The Journal of Chemical Physics 161 (23), 2024
Time-dependent orbital-optimized coupled-cluster methods families for fermion-mixtures dynamics
H Lang, T Sato
The Journal of Chemical Physics 161 (11), 2024
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Articles 1–15