Marco Rasetto
Marco Rasetto
Ph.D Student in Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh
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Cited by
Low‐Voltage Electrochemical LixWO3 Synapses with Temporal Dynamics for Spiking Neural Networks
Q Wan, M Rasetto, MT Sharbati, JR Erickson, SR Velagala, MT Reilly, Y Li, ...
Advanced Intelligent Systems 3 (9), 2100021, 2021
Event Based Time-Vectors for auditory features extraction: a neuromorphic approach for low power audio recognition
M Rasetto, JP Dominguez-Morales, A Jimenez-Fernandez, R Benosman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.07011, 2021
The Challenges Ahead for Bio-inspired Neuromorphic Event Processors: How Memristors Dynamic Properties Could Revolutionize Machine Learning
M Rasetto, Q Wan, H Akolkar, BE Shi, F Xiong, R Benosman
CoRR, 2022
Building time-surfaces by exploiting the complex volatility of an ECRAM memristor
M Rasetto, Q Wan, H Akolkar, F Xiong, B Shi, R Benosman
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2023
Sup3r: A semi-supervised algorithm for increasing sparsity, stability, and separability in hierarchy of time-surfaces architectures
M Rasetto, H Akolkar, R Benosman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.12402, 2024
Neuromorphic Decoders: Paving the Way Towards Adaptive, Low-Power and Low-Latency Brain Computer Interfaces
M Rasetto
University of Pittsburgh, 2024
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Articles 1–6