Pritha Gupta
Cited by
Cited by
Design and implementation of autonomous car using Raspberry Pi
GS Pannu, MD Ansari, P Gupta
International Journal of Computer Applications 113 (9), 2015
Pairwise versus pointwise ranking: A case study
V Melnikov, P Gupta, B Frick, D Kaimann, E Hüllermeier
Schedae Informaticae 25, 73-83, 2016
Learning Context-Dependent Choice Functions
K Pfannschmidt, P Gupta, B Haddenhorst, E Hüllermeier
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2021
Deep architectures for learning context-dependent ranking functions
K Pfannschmidt, P Gupta, E Hüllermeier
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.05796, 2018
Automated Side-Channel Attacks using Black-Box Neural Architecture Search
E Gupta, Pritha and Drees, Jan Peter and H\"{u}llermeier
18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 5, 11, 2023
Automated detection of side channels in cryptographic protocols: DROWN the ROBOTs!
JP Drees, P Gupta, E Hüllermeier, T Jager, A Konze, C Priesterjahn, ...
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security …, 2021
Meta-learning for automated selection of anomaly detectors for semi-supervised datasets
D Schubert, P Gupta, M Wever
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, 392-405, 2023
Automated Information Leakage Detection: A New Method Combining Machine Learning and Hypothesis Testing with an Application to Side-channel Detection in Cryptographic Protocols
TJ P Gupta, A Ramaswamy, JP Drees, E Hüllermeier, C Priesterjahn
14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART …, 2022
jPL: A java-based software framework for preference learning
P Gupta, A Hetzer, T Tornede, S Gottschalk, A Kornelsen, S Osterbrink, ...
Proceedings of the LWDA, 2017
Information Leakage Detection through Approximate Bayes-optimal Prediction
P Gupta, M Wever, E Hüllermeier
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.14283, 2024
Anwendung von maschinellem Lernen zum automatischen Erkennen von Padding-Orakel-Seitenkanälen
C Priesterjahn, JP Drees, P Gupta, S Oberthur
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2023
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Articles 1–11