Vinay Sharma
Vinay Sharma
Laboratory for Physical Sciences, University of Maryland, Morgan State University
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Cited by
Magnetic and crystallographic properties of rare-earth substituted yttrium-iron garnet
vinay Sharma, B kuanr
Journal of alloys and compounds 748, 591-600, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) nanoparticles-Microwave material
V Sharma, J Saha, S Patnaik, BK Kuanr
AIP Advances 7 (5), 2017
YIG based broad band microwave absorber: a perspective on synthesis methods
V Sharma, J Saha, S Patnaik, BK Kuanr
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 439, 277-286, 2017
Investigation of room temperature ferromagnetism in transition metal doped BiFeO3
BKK Vinay Sharma, RK Ghosh
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019
Light and microwave driven spin pumping across FeGaB–BiSb interface
V Sharma, ...
Physical Review Materials 5 (12), 124410, 2021
Control of magnetization dynamics by substrate orientation in YIG thin films
BK Ganesh Gurjar, Vinay Sharma, S. Patnaik
Materials Research Express, 2021
Resonant Precession of Magnetization and Precession - Induced DC voltages in FeGaB Thin Films
RCB Prabesh Bajracharya, Vinay Sharma, Anthony johnson
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021
Structural and magnetic properties of high quality single crystalline YIG thin film: A comparison with the bulk YIG
G Gurjar, V Sharma, S Patnaik, BK Kuanr
AIP Conference Proceedings 2115 (1), 2019
Fabrication and characterization of microwave phase shifter in microstrip geometry with Fe film as the frequency tuning element
ZC Vinay Sharma, Yuri Khivintsev, Ian Harward, Bijoy K.Kuanr
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 489, 165412, 2019
Disorder driven variations in magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect in Bi2Te3 thin films.
R Nepal, V Sharma, L Pogue, N Drichko, R Budhani
Thin Solid Films, 2022
Interface-driven spin pumping and inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect in FeGaB/Ag/BiSb multilayers
RCB Vinay Sharma. Prabesh Bajracharya, Anthony johnson
AIP Advances 12, 035028, 2022
Sublattice magnetization driven anomalous Hall resistance of FeCoGd amorphous films
RCB Anthony Johnson, Ezana Negusse, Vinay Sharma, Dan Anyumba, Deandre McAlmont
AIP Advances 10 (11), 115214, 2020
Magnetization dynamics and spin pumping in Heusler compound Co2FeSi interfaced with MoS2
BKK Vipul Sharma, Vinay Sharma, Ramkrishna Ghosh
Journal of Applied Physics 132 (13), 133905, 2022
Fabrication and characterization of magnetically tunable metal-semiconductor schottky diode using barium hexaferrite thin film on gold
J Kaur, V Sharma, V Sharma, V Veerakumar, BK Kuanr
AIP Advances 6 (5), 2016
Magnetotransport and magnetic textures in Ho/FeCoGd/\beta -W multilayers
BK Ramesh C. Budhani, Vinay Sharma, Ezana Negusse
Physical Review B 105, 024412, 2022
Effect of Aliovalent Substitution in Y2.9Bi0.1Fe5O12: Magnetization Dynamic Study
J Saini, D Yadav, V Sharma, M Sharma, BK Kunar
IEEE transaction on magnetics, 1-1, 2020
Fabrication of Magnetically Tunable Schottky Diode Using Bismuth Ferrite Thin Film on Gold
A Mishra, V Sharma, KK Bijoy
IEEE transaction on electron devices 64 (12), 5087-5092, 2017
Growth temperature-controlled Gilbert damping and anisotropies in PLD grown epitaxial Co2FeSi Heusler alloy thin film
BK Vipul Sharma, Prashant Kumar, Vinay Sharma
AIP Advances 13 (2), 025012, 2023
Multiferroic Based Microwave Devices
BKK Vinay sharma, Priyanka rani
Advanced Materials Proceedings 1 (1), 65-70, 2016
Magnetic nanoparticles; synthesis, characterization and application as contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
RS Yadav, V Sharma, BK Kuanr
Advanced Science Letters 20 (7-8), 1548-1550, 2014
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Articles 1–20