Wei Ni
Wei Ni
FIEEE, AAIA Fellow, Principal Research Scientist, Information Privacy and Security Group, CSIRO
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Survey on blockchain for Internet of Things
X Wang, X Zha, W Ni, RP Liu, YJ Guo, X Niu, K Zheng
Computer Communications 136, 10-29, 2019
Blockchain's adoption in IoT: The challenges, and a way forward
I Makhdoom, M Abolhasan, H Abbas, W Ni
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 125, 251-279, 2019
Anatomy of threats to the internet of things
I Makhdoom, M Abolhasan, J Lipman, RP Liu, W Ni
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 21 (2), 1636-1675, 2018
PrivySharing: A blockchain-based framework for privacy-preserving and secure data sharing in smart cities
I Makhdoom, I Zhou, M Abolhasan, J Lipman, W Ni
Computers & Security 88, 101653, 2020
Optimal schedule of mobile edge computing for internet of things using partial information
X Lyu, W Ni, H Tian, RP Liu, X Wang, GB Giannakis, A Paulraj
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (11), 2606-2615, 2017
Enabling technologies for ultra-reliable and low latency communications: From PHY and MAC layer perspectives
GJ Sutton, J Zeng, RP Liu, W Ni, DN Nguyen, BA Jayawickrama, X Huang, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2488-2524, 2019
Survey: Sharding in blockchains
G Yu, X Wang, K Yu, W Ni, JA Zhang, RP Liu
IEEE Access 8, 14155-14181, 2020
Energy-efficient cooperative relaying for unmanned aerial vehicles
K Li, W Ni, X Wang, RP Liu, SS Kanhere, S Jha
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (6), 1377-1386, 2015
Energy-efficient admission of delay-sensitive tasks for mobile edge computing
X Lyu, H Tian, W Ni, Y Zhang, P Zhang, RP Liu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (6), 2603-2616, 2018
5G next generation VANETs using SDN and fog computing framework
AA Khan, M Abolhasan, W Ni
2018 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2018
Intelligent reflecting surface aided multi-user mmWave communications for coverage enhancement
Y Cao, T Lv, W Ni
2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2020
When internet of things meets metaverse: Convergence of physical and cyber worlds
K Li, Y Cui, W Li, T Lv, X Yuan, S Li, W Ni, M Simsek, F Dressler
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (5), 4148-4173, 2022
Modeling and analysis of energy harvesting and smart grid-powered wireless communication networks: A contemporary survey
S Hu, X Chen, W Ni, X Wang, E Hossain
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 4 (2), 461-496, 2020
VANET modeling and clustering design under practical traffic, channel and mobility conditions
H Wang, RP Liu, W Ni, W Chen, IB Collings
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (3), 870-881, 2015
Energy efficient legitimate wireless surveillance of UAV communications
K Li, RC Voicu, SS Kanhere, W Ni, E Tovar
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (3), 2283-2293, 2019
Distributed machine learning for wireless communication networks: Techniques, architectures, and applications
S Hu, X Chen, W Ni, E Hossain, X Wang
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (3), 1458-1493, 2021
On-board deep Q-network for UAV-assisted online power transfer and data collection
K Li, W Ni, E Tovar, A Jamalipour
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (12), 12215-12226, 2019
Enabling attribute revocation for fine-grained access control in blockchain-IoT systems
G Yu, X Zha, X Wang, W Ni, K Yu, P Yu, JA Zhang, RP Liu, YJ Guo
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 67 (4), 1213-1230, 2020
Stochastic online learning for mobile edge computing: Learning from changes
Q Cui, Z Gong, W Ni, Y Hou, X Chen, X Tao, P Zhang
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (3), 63-69, 2019
Software-defined wireless networking: centralized, distributed, or hybrid?
M Abolhasan, J Lipman, W Ni, B Hagelstein
IEEE Network 29 (4), 32-38, 2015
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