Yoji Kawamura
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Noise-induced synchronization and clustering in ensembles of uncoupled limit-cycle oscillators
H Nakao, K Arai, Y Kawamura
Physical Review Letters 98 (18), 184101, 2007
Collective phase sensitivity
Y Kawamura, H Nakao, K Arai, H Kori, Y Kuramoto
Physical Review Letters 101 (2), 024101, 2008
Phase-reduction approach to synchronization of spatiotemporal rhythms in reaction-diffusion systems
H Nakao, T Yanagita, Y Kawamura
Physical Review X 4 (2), 021032, 2014
Noise-induced turbulence in nonlocally coupled oscillators
Y Kawamura, H Nakao, Y Kuramoto
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (3 …, 2007
Collective-phase description of coupled oscillators with general network structure
H Kori, Y Kawamura, H Nakao, K Arai, Y Kuramoto
Physical Review E 80 (3), 036207, 2009
Phase synchronization between collective rhythms of globally coupled oscillator groups: Noiseless nonidentical case
Y Kawamura, H Nakao, K Arai, H Kori, Y Kuramoto
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 20 (4), 043110, 2010
Chimera Ising walls in forced nonlocally coupled oscillators
Y Kawamura
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (5 …, 2007
Structure of cell networks critically determines oscillation regularity
H Kori, Y Kawamura, N Masuda
Journal of Theoretical Biology 297, 61-72, 2012
Collective phase description of oscillatory convection
Y Kawamura, H Nakao
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23 (4), 2013
Phase synchronization between collective rhythms of globally coupled oscillator groups: Noisy identical case
Y Kawamura, H Nakao, K Arai, H Kori, Y Kuramoto
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 20 (4), 043109, 2010
Collective phase dynamics of globally coupled oscillators: Noise-induced anti-phase synchronization
Y Kawamura
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 270, 20-29, 2014
Collective phase description of globally coupled excitable elements
Y Kawamura, H Nakao, Y Kuramoto
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (4 …, 2011
Analysis of relative influence of nodes in directed networks
N Masuda, Y Kawamura, H Kori
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (4 …, 2009
Phase description of oscillatory convection with a spatially translational mode
Y Kawamura, H Nakao
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 295, 11-29, 2015
Impact of hierarchical modular structure on ranking of individual nodes in directed networks
N Masuda, Y Kawamura, H Kori
New Journal of Physics 11 (11), 113002, 2009
Collective fluctuations in networks of noisy components
N Masuda, Y Kawamura, H Kori
New Journal of Physics 12 (9), 093007, 2010
同期現象の数理: 位相記述によるアプローチ
蔵本由紀, 河村洋史
培風館, 2010
Phase reduction and synchronization of a network of coupled dynamical elements exhibiting collective oscillations
H Nakao, S Yasui, M Ota, K Arai, Y Kawamura
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 (4), 2018
Optimizing stability of mutual synchronization between a pair of limit-cycle oscillators with weak cross coupling
S Shirasaka, N Watanabe, Y Kawamura, H Nakao
Physical Review E 96 (1), 012223, 2017
Phase reduction approach to elastohydrodynamic synchronization of beating flagella
Y Kawamura, R Tsubaki
Physical Review E 97 (2), 022212, 2018
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