Zhishang Liu
Zhishang Liu
Ant Group
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Porous media characterization using Minkowski functionals: Theories, applications and future directions
RT Armstrong, JE McClure, V Robins, Z Liu, CH Arns, S Schlüter, S Berg
Transport in Porous Media 130, 305-335, 2019
Cleat-scale characterisation of coal: An overview
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, Y Hu, Y Jing, F Kamali, M Liu, ...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 39, 143-160, 2017
Pore-scale characterization of two-phase flow using integral geometry
Z Liu, A Herring, C Arns, S Berg, RT Armstrong
Transport in Porous Media 118 (1), 99-117, 2017
Pore scale characterisation of coal: an unconventional challenge
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, Y Hu, Y Jing, F Kamali, M Liu, ...
Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, D011S001R004, 2016
Influence of wettability on phase connectivity and electrical resistivity
Z Liu, JE McClure, RT Armstrong
Physical Review E 98 (4), 043102, 2018
Prediction of permeability from Euler characteristic of 3D images
Z Liu, A Herring, V Robins, RT Armstrong
International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 27, 2017
iACOS: Advancing Implicit Sentiment Extraction with Informative and Adaptive Negative Examples
ZL Xiancai Xu, Jia-Dong Zhang, Lei Xiong
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2024
Persistent Homology to describe Solid and Fluid Structures during Multiphase Flow
AL Herring, V Robins, Z Liu, RT Armstrong, A Sheppard
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H21G-1570, 2017
P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong, A Gerami, Y Hu, Y Jing, F Kamali, M Liu, ...
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