Chris Dakin
Chris Dakin
Assistant Professor, Utah State University
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Startle produces early response latencies that are distinct from stimulus intensity effects
AN Carlsen, CJ Dakin, R Chua, IM Franks
Experimental brain research 176, 199-205, 2007
Frequency response of human vestibular reflexes characterized by stochastic stimuli
CJ Dakin, GML Son, JT Inglis, JS Blouin
The Journal of physiology 583 (3), 1117-1127, 2007
Absence of lateral gastrocnemius activity and differential motor unit behavior in soleus and medial gastrocnemius during standing balance
ME Héroux, CJ Dakin, BL Luu, JT Inglis, JS Blouin
Journal of applied physiology 116 (2), 140-148, 2014
Frequency-specific modulation of vestibular-evoked sway responses in humans
CJ Dakin, BL Luu, K van den Doel, JT Inglis, JS Blouin
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (2), 1048-1056, 2010
Lack of otolith involvement in balance responses evoked by mastoid electrical stimulation
OS Mian, CJ Dakin, JS Blouin, RC Fitzpatrick, BL Day
The Journal of physiology 588 (22), 4441-4451, 2010
Modulation of human vestibular reflexes with increased postural threat
BC Horslen, CJ Dakin, JT Inglis, JS Blouin, MG Carpenter
The Journal of physiology 592 (16), 3671-3685, 2014
Gravity estimation and verticality perception
CJ Dakin, A Rosenberg
Handbook of clinical neurology 159, 43-59, 2018
Muscle-specific modulation of vestibular reflexes with increased locomotor velocity and cadence
CJ Dakin, JT Inglis, R Chua, JS Blouin
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (1), 86-94, 2013
Frequency response of vestibular reflexes in neck, back, and lower limb muscles
PA Forbes, CJ Dakin, AN Vardy, R Happee, GP Siegmund, AC Schouten, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 110 (8), 1869-1881, 2013
Extracting phase-dependent human vestibular reflexes during locomotion using both time and frequency correlation approaches
JS Blouin, CJ Dakin, K van den Doel, R Chua, BJ McFadyen, JT Inglis
Journal of Applied Physiology 111 (5), 1484-1490, 2011
Startle reveals an absence of advance motor programming in a Go/No-go task
AN Carlsen, R Chua, CJ Dakin, DJ Sanderson, JT Inglis, IM Franks
Neuroscience letters 434 (1), 61-65, 2008
Vestibular contribution to balance control in the medial gastrocnemius and soleus
CJ Dakin, ME Héroux, BL Luu, JT Inglis, JS Blouin
Journal of neurophysiology 115 (3), 1289-1297, 2016
Forecast or fall: prediction's importance to postural control
CJ Dakin, DAE Bolton
Frontiers in neurology 9, 924, 2018
Rapid limb‐specific modulation of vestibular contributions to ankle muscle activity during locomotion
PA Forbes, M Vlutters, CJ Dakin, H van der Kooij, JS Blouin, AC Schouten
The Journal of Physiology 595 (6), 2175-2195, 2017
Short and medium latency muscle responses evoked by electrical vestibular stimulation are a composite of all stimulus frequencies
CJ Dakin, JT Inglis, JS Blouin
Experimental brain research 209, 345-354, 2011
Rectification is required to extract oscillatory envelope modulation from surface electromyographic signals
CJ Dakin, BH Dalton, BL Luu, JS Blouin
Journal of Neurophysiology 112 (7), 1685-1691, 2014
Virtual signals of head rotation induce gravity‐dependent inferences of linear acceleration
N Khosravi‐Hashemi, PA Forbes, CJ Dakin, JS Blouin
The Journal of Physiology 597 (21), 5231-5246, 2019
Cerebellar degeneration increases visual influence on dynamic estimates of verticality
CJ Dakin, A Peters, P Giunti, BL Day
Current Biology 28 (22), 3589-3598. e3, 2018
Which exercise interventions can most effectively improve reactive balance in older adults? A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Y Kim, MN Vakula, DAE Bolton, CJ Dakin, BJ Thompson, TA Slocum, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 13, 764826, 2022
Electrical vestibular stimuli to enhance vestibulo-motor output and improve subject comfort
PA Forbes, CJ Dakin, AM Geers, MP Vlaar, R Happee, GP Siegmund, ...
PLoS One 9 (1), e84385, 2014
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Articles 1–20