Gábor Orosz
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Cited by
End-to-end safe reinforcement learning through barrier functions for safety-critical continuous control tasks
R Cheng, G Orosz, RM Murray, JW Burdick
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 3387-3395, 2019
Dynamics of connected vehicle systems with delayed acceleration feedback
JI Ge, G Orosz
Transportation Research Part C 46, 46-64, 2014
Traffic jams: dynamics and control
G Orosz, RE Wilson, G Stépán
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 368 (1928), 4455-4479, 2010
Connected cruise control: modelling, delay effects, and nonlinear behaviour
G Orosz
Vehicle System Dynamics 54 (8), 1147-1176, 2016
Optimal control of connected vehicle systems with communication delay and driver reaction time
JI Ge, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (8), 2056-2070, 2017
Motif-based design for connected vehicle systems in presence of heterogeneous connectivity structures and time delays
L Zhang, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (6), 1638-1651, 2016
Experimental validation of connected automated vehicle design among human-driven vehicles
JI Ge, SS Avedisov, CR He, WB Qin, M Sadeghpour, G Orosz
Transportation Research Part C 91, 335-352, 2018
Bifurcations and multiple traffic jams in a car-following model with reaction-time delay
G Orosz, B Krauskopf, RE Wilson
Physica D 211 (3-4), 277-293, 2005
Exciting traffic jams: Nonlinear phenomena behind traffic jam formation on highways
G Orosz, RE Wilson, R Szalai, G Stépán
Physical Review E 80 (4), 046205, 2009
Global bifurcation investigation of an optimal velocity traffic model with driver reaction time
G Orosz, RE Wilson, B Krauskopf
Physical Review E 70 (2), 026207, 2004
Subcritical Hopf bifurcations in a car-following model with reaction-time delay
G Orosz, G Stépán
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 462 (2073), 2643-2670, 2006
Stability and frequency response under stochastic communication delays with applications to connected cruise control design
WB Qin, MM Gomez, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (2), 388-403, 2017
Connected and automated road vehicles: state of the art and future challenges
T Ersal, I Kolmanovsky, N Masoud, N Ozay, J Scruggs, R Vasudevan, ...
Vehicle System Dynamics 58 (5), 672-704, 2020
Delay effects in shimmy dynamics of wheels with stretched string-like tyres
D Takács, G Orosz, G Stépán
European Journal of Mechanics A 28 (3), 516-525, 2009
Dynamics on networks of cluster states for globally coupled phase oscillators
P Ashwin, G Orosz, J Wordsworth, S Townley
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 6 (4), 728-758, 2007
Connected cruise control among human-driven vehicles: Experiment-based parameter estimation and optimal control design
JI Ge, G Orosz
Transportation Research Part C 95, 445-459, 2018
Control regularization for reduced variance reinforcement learning
R Cheng, A Verma, G Orosz, S Chaudhuri, Y Yue, JW Burdick
36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 97, 1141-1150, 2019
Safe controller synthesis with tunable input-to-state safe control barrier functions
A Alan, AJ Taylor, CR He, G Orosz, AD Ames
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, 908-913, 2022
Hierarchical design of connected cruise control in the presence of information delays and uncertain vehicle dynamics
L Zhang, J Sun, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 26 (1), 139-150, 2018
Application of predictor feedback to compensate time delays in connected cruise control
TG Molnár, WB Qin, T Insperger, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2), 545-559, 2018
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Articles 1–20