Engr. Dr. Badar ul Islam
Engr. Dr. Badar ul Islam
Assoc. Dean, Faculty of IT, Khawaja Fareed University, RYK, Pakistan
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Cited by
Comparison of conventional and modern load forecasting techniques based on artificial intelligence and expert systems
BU Islam
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (5), 504, 2011
Enhanced lignin extraction and optimisation from oil palm biomass using neural network modelling
T Rashid, SAA Taqvi, F Sher, S Rubab, M Thanabalan, M Bilal, B ul Islam
Fuel 293, 120485, 2021
Optimization of neural network architecture using genetic algorithm for load forecasting
B ul Islam, Z Baharudin, MQ Raza, P Nallagownden
2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS …, 2014
Controller design using fuzzy logic for a twin rotor MIMO system
BU Islam, N Ahmed, DL Bhatti, S Khan
7th International Multi Topic Conference, 2003. INMIC 2003., 264-268, 2003
Development of chaotically improved meta-heuristics and modified BP neural network-based model for electrical energy demand prediction in smart grid
B Islam, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden
Neural Computing and Applications, Springer 27 (4), pp. 1-15, DOI 10.1007 …, 2016
Short‐Term Electrical Load Demand Forecasting Based on LSTM and RNN Deep Neural Networks
B Islam, SF Ahmed
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (1), 2316474, 2022
Neural network based STLF model to study the seasonal impact of weather and exogenous variables
MQ Raza, Z Baharudin, B Islam, MA Zakariya, MM Khir
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6 (20 …, 2013
Causes of workplace stress in textile industry of developing countries: a case study from Pakistan
A Ahmad, A Hussain, QW Ahmad, BU Islam
Advances in Social & Occupational Ergonomics: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 …, 2017
Characterizations of non-associative rings by the properties of their fuzzy ideals
N Kausar, B Islam, MY Javaid, SA Ahmad, U Ijaz
Journal of Taibah University for Science 13 (1), 820-833, 2019
A comparative analysis of PSO and LM based NN short term load forecast with exogenous variables for smart power generation
MQ Raza, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden
2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems (ICIAS …, 2014
Research Article A Hybrid Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm Based Model for Short Term Load Forecast
B Islam, Z Baharudin, Q Raza, P Nallagownden
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7 (13 …, 2014
Improving Productivity and Quality in SMEs of Pakistan: A case study
A Hussain, QW Ahmad, IU Haq, A Nazir, S Imran, BU Islam
Technical Journal 20 (2), 103-114, 2015
Review of Short‐Term Load Forecasting for Smart Grids Using Deep Neural Networks and Metaheuristic Methods
B Islam, M Rasheed, SF Ahmed
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (1), 4049685, 2022
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideals with Thresholds (α, β] in LA-rings
N Kausar, B Ul Islam, SA Ahmad, MA Waqar
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 (3), 906-943, 2019
Modeling and analysis of series-series and series-parallel combined topology for wireless power transfer using Multiple coupling coefficients
M Rehman, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden, B Islam, MU Rehman
IJCSNS 17 (11), 114, 2017
A hybrid neuro-genetic approach for STLF: A comparative analysis of model parameter variations
B ul Islam, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden, MQ Raza
2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference …, 2014
Short term electric load forecasting with back propagation neural network and simulated annealing genetic algorithm
B ul Islam, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden
Applied Mechanics and Materials 785, 14-18, 2015
Hybrid and integrated intelligent system for load demand prediction
B Islam, Z Baharudin, Q Raza, P Nallagownden
2013 IEEE 7th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference …, 2013
Modified meta heuristics and improved backpropagation neural network‐based electrical load demand prediction technique for smart grid
B Islam, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 12, S20-S32, 2017
Modelling and efficiency-analysis of wireless power transfer using magnetic resonance coupling
M Rehman, Z Baharudin, P Nallagownden, B Islam
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 (3), 563-571, 2017
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Articles 1–20