Zeliha Görmez
Zeliha Görmez
Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences
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HomSI: a homozygous stretch identifier from next-generation sequencing data
Z Görmez, B Bakir-Gungor, MŞ Sağıroğlu
Bioinformatics 30 (3), 445-447, 2014
Loss-of-function mutations in ELMO2 cause intraosseous vascular malformation by impeding RAC1 signaling
A Cetinkaya, JR Xiong, İ Vargel, K Kösemehmetoğlu, Hİ Canter, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 99 (2), 299-317, 2016
Coffin-Siris syndrome with café-au-lait spots, obesity and hyperinsulinism caused by a mutation in the ARID1B gene
FM Sonmez, E Uctepe, M Gunduz, Z Gormez, S Erpolat, M Oznur, ...
Intractable & rare diseases research 5 (3), 222-226, 2016
A clinical variant in SCN1A inherited from a mosaic father cosegregates with a novel variant to cause Dravet syndrome in a consanguineous family
FN Tuncer, Z Gormez, M Calik, GA Uzun, MS Sagiroglu, B Yuceturk, ...
Epilepsy research 113, 5-10, 2015
Prediction of Optimal Coagulant Dosage in Drinking Water Treatment by Artificial Neural Network
AB Sengul, Z Gormez
1 st International EWaS-MED International Conference, 2013
SYNE1 related cerebellar ataxia presents with variable phenotypes in a consanguineous family from Turkey
E Yucesan, SA Ugur Iseri, B Bilgic, Z Gormez, B Bakir Gungor, A Sarac, ...
Neurological Sciences 38, 2203-2207, 2017
A further family of Stromme syndrome carrying CENPF mutation
F Ozkinay, T Atik, E Isik, Z Gormez, M Sagiroglu, OA Sahin, N Corduk, ...
American journal of medical genetics Part A 173 (6), 1668-1672, 2017
Myophosphorylase (PYGM) mutations determined by next generation sequencing in a cohort from Turkey with McArdle disease
G Inal-Gültekin, B Toptaş-Hekimoğlu, Z Görmez, Ö Gelişin, H Durmuş, ...
Neuromuscular Disorders 27 (11), 997-1008, 2017
Multi objective SNP selection using pareto optimality
E Gumus, Z Gormez, O Kursun
Computational biology and chemistry 43, 23-28, 2013
A Novel and Mosaic WDR45 Nonsense Variant Causes Beta-Propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration Identified Through Whole Exome Sequencing and X …
NH Akçakaya, B Salman, Z Görmez, Y Tarkan Argüden, A Çırakoğlu, ...
Neuromolecular medicine 21, 54-59, 2019
The framework of the Turkish Syllable-based concatenative text-to-speech system with exceptional case handling
Z Orhan, Z Görmez
WSEAS Transactions on Computers 7 (10), 1525-1534, 2008
Exome sequencing identifies a novel homozygous CLN8 mutation in a Turkish family with Northern epilepsy
Y Sahin, O Güngör, Z Gormez, H Demirci, B Ergüner, G Güngör, C Dilber
Acta Neurologica Belgica 117 (1), 159-167, 2017
A novel truncating mutation of DOCK7 gene with an early-onset non-encephalopathic epilepsy
D Turkdogan, A Turkyilmaz, Z Gormez, G Sager, G Ekinci
Seizure-European Journal of Epilepsy 66, 12-14, 2019
An Overview of Two Level Finite State Kyrgyz Morphology
Z Görmez, S Baki, A Kurt, M Kara, K Kulamshaev
The 2. International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (ISCSE …, 2011
TTTS: Turkish text-to-speech system
Z Görmez, Z Orhan
Proc. 12th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, Heraklion/Crete …, 2008
FMFilter: a fast model based variant filtering tool
M Akgün, ÖF Gerdan, Z Görmez, H Demirci
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 60, 319-327, 2016
Comparison of aggregators for multi-objective SNP selection
Z Gormez, E Gumus, A Sertbas, O Kursun
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
Statistical bias and variance of gene selection and cross validation methods: A case study on hypertension prediction
Z Gormez, O Kursun, A Sertbas, N Aydin, H Seker
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and …, 2012
Defining molecular treatment targets for bladder pain Syndrome/Interstitial cystitis: Uncovering adhesion molecules
G Inal-Gultekin, Z Gormez, N Mangir
Frontiers in Pharmacology 13, 780855, 2022
Evaluation of the Concatenative Turkish Text-to-Speech System
Z Orhan, Z Gormez
2009 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, 1-5, 2009
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Articles 1–20