James H. Roberts
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Cited by
Distance, dams and drift: what structures populations of an endangered, benthic stream fish?
JH Roberts, PL Angermeier, EM Hallerman
Freshwater Biology 58 (10), 2050-2064, 2013
Hierarchical spatial structure of stream fish colonization and extinction
NP Hitt, JH Roberts
Oikos 121 (1), 127-137, 2012
Spatiotemporal variability of stream habitat and movement of three species of fish
JH Roberts, PL Angermeier
Oecologia 151, 417-430, 2007
Utility of eDNA and occupancy models for monitoring an endangered fish across diverse riverine habitats
GJ Strickland, JH Roberts
Hydrobiologia 826 (1), 129-144, 2019
Longitudinal structure in temperate stream fish communities: evaluating conceptual models with temporal data
JH Roberts, NP Hitt
American Fisheries Society Symposium 73, 281-299, 2010
A comparison of injectable fluorescent marks in two genera of darters: effects on survival and retention rates
JH Roberts, PL Angermeier
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24 (3), 1017-1024, 2004
Movement patterns of endangered Roanoke logperch (Percina rex)
JH Roberts, AE Rosenberger, BW Albanese, PL Angermeier
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17 (3), 374-381, 2008
Movement responses of stream fishes to introduced corridors of complex cover
JH Roberts, PL Angermeier
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136 (4), 971-978, 2007
Reproductive characteristics of female longnose dace in the Coweeta Creek drainage, North Carolina, USA
JH Roberts, GD Grossman
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 10 (3), 184-190, 2001
Extensive dispersal of Roanoke logperch (Percina rex) inferred from genetic marker data
JH Roberts, PL Angermeier, EM Hallerman
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25 (1), 1-16, 2016
A long-term study of ecological impacts of river channelization on the population of an endangered fish: Lessons learned for assessment and restoration
JH Roberts, GB Anderson, PL Angermeier
Water 8 (6), 240, 2016
Predator feeding preferences for a benthic stream fish: effects of visible injected marks
JH Roberts, JM Kilpatrick
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19 (4), 531-538, 2004
Microsatellite markers for the endangered Roanoke logperch, Percina rex (Percidae) and their potential utility for other darter species
DJ Dutton, JH Roberts, PL Angermeier, EM Hallerman
Molecular Ecology Resources 8 (4), 831-834, 2008
Population viability analysis for endangered Roanoke logperch
JH Roberts, PL Angermeier, GB Anderson
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 7 (1), 46-64, 2016
Genetic structuring of northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) at multiple spatial scales
JB Johnson, JH Roberts, TL King, JW Edwards, WM Ford, DA Ray
Acta theriologica 59, 223-231, 2014
Metapopulation genetics of endangered reticulated flatwoods salamanders (Ambystoma bishopi) in a dynamic and fragmented landscape
A Wendt, CA Haas, T Gorman, JH Roberts
Conservation Genetics 22 (4), 551-567, 2021
Metodologías para el Sistema de Monitoreo de la Diversidad Biológica de Panamá
C Puerta-Piñero, RE Gullison, R Condit, PL Angermeier, R Ibáñez, ...
Comparing estimates of census and effective population size in an endangered amphibian
GC Brooks, A Wendt, CA Haas, JH Roberts
Animal Conservation 26 (6), 839-850, 2023
What role has hybridization played in the replacement of native Roanoke bass with invasive Rock bass?
JC Eschenroeder, JH Roberts
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147 (3), 497-513, 2018
Landscape genetics of a raccoon (Procyon lotor) metapopulation in an undeveloped coastal island system
ND Moncrief, JH Roberts, EM Hallerman, RA Van Den Bussche, JH Porter, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 98 (4), 1137-1155, 2017
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Articles 1–20