Hasari Celebi
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Utilization of location information in cognitive wireless networks
H Celebi, H Arslan
IEEE Wireless Communications 14 (4), 6-13, 2007
Cognitive positioning systems
H Celebi, H Arslan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6 (12), 4475-4483, 2007
Wireless IPTV over WiMAX: challenges and applications
FE Retnasothie, MK Ozdemir, T Yucek, H Celebi, J Zhang, R Muththaiah
2006 IEEE Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, 1-5, 2006
An adaptive threshold method for spectrum sensing in multi-channel cognitive radio networks
A Gorcin, KA Qaraqe, H Celebi, H Arslan
2010 17th International Conference on Telecommunications, 425-429, 2010
Empirical results for wideband multidimensional spectrum usage
KA Qaraqe, H Celebi, A Gorcin, A El-Saigh, H Arslan, M Alouini
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2009
Fundamental limits on time delay estimation in dispersed spectrum cognitive radio systems
S Gezici, H Celebi, HV Poor, H Arslan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (1), 78-83, 2009
Cognitive-radio systems for spectrum, location, and environmental awareness
H Celebi, I Guevenc, S Gezici, H Arslan
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 52 (4), 41-61, 2010
Enabling location and environment awareness in cognitive radios
H Celebi, H Arslan
Computer Communications 31 (6), 1114-1125, 2008
An autoregressive approach for spectrum occupancy modeling and prediction based on synchronous measurements
A Gorcin, H Celebi, KA Qaraqe, H Arslan
2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2011
Time-delay estimation in dispersed spectrum cognitive radio systems
F Kocak, H Celebi, S Gezici, KA Qaraqe, H Arslan, HV Poor
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 1-10, 2010
Adaptive positioning systems for cognitive radios
H Celebi, H Arslan
2007 2nd IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2007
Location awareness in cognitive radio networks
H Celebi
University of South Florida, 2008
An experimental study of high precision TOA based UWB positioning systems
Ö Çetin, H Nazh, R Gürcan, H Öztürk, H Güneren, Y Yelkovan, M Çayir, ...
2012 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 357-361, 2012
A novel RSRP-based E-CID positioning for LTE networks
G Çelik, H Çelebi, G Tuna
2017 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2017
The implementation of positioning system with trilateration of haversine distance
H Alkan, H Celebi
2019 IEEE 30th annual international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile …, 2019
Reconfigurable filter implementation of a matched-filter based spectrum sensor for cognitive radio systems
AH Gholamipour, A Gorcin, H Celebi, BU Toreyin, MAR Saghir, F Kurdahi, ...
2011 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2457-2460, 2011
Capacity limits of spectrum‐sharing systems over hyper‐fading channels
S Ekin, F Yilmaz, H Celebi, KA Qaraqe, MS Alouini, E Serpedin
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 12 (16), 1471-1480, 2012
RF fingerprinting based GSM indoor localization
H Buyruk, AK Keskin, Ş Şendil, H Çelebi, HP Partal, Ö İleri, E Zeydan, ...
2013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2013
Ranging accuracy in dynamic spectrum access networks
H Celebi, H Arslan
IEEE communications letters 11 (5), 405-407, 2007
Measurement and analysis of wideband spectrum utilization in indoor and outdoor environments
KA Qaraqe, H Celebi, MS Alouini, A El-Saigh, L Abuhantash, M Al-Mulla, ...
International Conference on Communications Technologies (ICCT 2010), 2010
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