J Farley Norman
J Farley Norman
University Distinguished Professor, Western Kentucky University
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The visual perception of three-dimensional length.
JF Norman, JT Todd, VJ Perotti, JS Tittle
Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance 22 (1), 173, 1996
The visual and haptic perception of natural object shape
JF Norman, HF Norman, AM Clayton, J Lianekhammy, G Zielke
Perception & psychophysics 66, 342-351, 2004
Systematic distortion of perceived three-dimensional structure from motion and binocular stereopsis.
JS Tittle, JT Todd, VJ Perotti, JF Norman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 21 (3), 663, 1995
Anterior regions of monkey parietal cortex process visual 3D shape
JB Durand, K Nelissen, O Joly, C Wardak, JT Todd, JF Norman, ...
Neuron 55 (3), 493-505, 2007
The visual perception of 3-D shape from multiple cues: Are observers capable of perceiving metric structure?
JT Todd, JF Norman
Perception & psychophysics 65 (1), 31-47, 2003
Perception of three-dimensional shape from specular highlights, deformations of shading, and other types of visual information
JF Norman, JT Todd, GA Orban
Psychological Science 15 (8), 565-570, 2004
The visual perception of smoothly curved surfaces from minimal apparent motion sequences
JT Todd, JF Norman
Perception & Psychophysics 50 (6), 509-523, 1991
Parietal regions processing visual 3D shape extracted from disparity
JB Durand, R Peeters, JF Norman, JT Todd, GA Orban
Neuroimage 46 (4), 1114-1126, 2009
Attention to 3-D shape, 3-D motion, and texture in 3-D structure from motion displays
H Peuskens, KG Claeys, JT Todd, JF Norman, PV Hecke, GA Orban
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 16 (4), 665-682, 2004
The perception of surface orientation from multiple sources of optical information
J Farley Norman, JT Todd, F Phillips
Perception & Psychophysics 57 (5), 629-636, 1995
The perception of globally coherent motion
E Mingolla, JT Todd, JF Norman
Vision Research 32 (6), 1015-1031, 1992
Aging and the perception of speed
JF Norman, HE Ross, LM Hawkes, JR Long
Perception 32 (1), 85-96, 2003
The perceptual analysis of structure from motion for rotating objects undergoing affine stretching transformations
JF Norman, JT Todd
Perception & Psychophysics 53 (3), 279-291, 1993
Aging and the perception of biological motion.
JF Norman, SM Payton, JR Long, LM Hawkes
Psychology and aging 19 (1), 219, 2004
Distortions of three-dimensional space in the perceptual analysis of motion and stereo
JT Todd, JS Tittle, JF Norman
Perception 24 (1), 75-86, 1995
Blindness enhances tactile acuity and haptic 3-D shape discrimination
JF Norman, AN Bartholomew
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 73, 2323-2331, 2011
Lightness constancy in the presence of specular highlights
JT Todd, JF Norman, E Mingolla
Psychological Science 15 (1), 33-39, 2004
The effects of age upon the perception of depth and 3-D shape from differential motion and binocular disparity
JF Norman, TE Dawson, AK Butler
Perception 29 (11), 1335-1359, 2000
Effects of texture, illumination, and surface reflectance on stereoscopic shape perception
JT Todd, JF Norman, JJ Koenderink, AML Kappers
Perception 26 (7), 807-822, 1997
Information concentration along the boundary contours of naturally shaped solid objects
JF Norman, F Phillips, HE Ross
Perception 30 (11), 1285-1294, 2001
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