Ziyuan Pu
Ziyuan Pu
Professor, Southeast University; Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Monash University
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Deep bidirectional and unidirectional LSTM recurrent neural network for network-wide traffic speed prediction
Z Cui, R Ke, Z Pu, Y Wang
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Urban Computing (UrbComp …, 2018
Stacked bidirectional and unidirectional LSTM recurrent neural network for forecasting network-wide traffic state with missing values
Z Cui, R Ke, Z Pu, Y Wang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 118, 102674, 2020
Safe, efficient, and comfortable velocity control based on reinforcement learning for autonomous driving
M Zhu, Y Wang, Z Pu, J Hu, X Wang, R Ke
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 117, 102662, 2020
Comparing prediction performance for crash injury severity among various machine learning and statistical methods
J Zhang, Z Li, Z Pu, C Xu
IEEE Access 6, 60079-60087, 2018
Characterization of ridesplitting based on observed data: A case study of Chengdu, China
W Li, Z Pu, Y Li, XJ Ban
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 100, 330-353, 2019
A smart, efficient, and reliable parking surveillance system with edge artificial intelligence on IoT devices
R Ke, Y Zhuang, Z Pu, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (8), 4962-4974, 2020
Learning dynamic and hierarchical traffic spatiotemporal features with transformer
H Yan, X Ma, Z Pu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (11), 22386-22399, 2021
Graph Markov network for traffic forecasting with missing data
Z Cui, L Lin, Z Pu, Y Wang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 117, 102671, 2020
Learning traffic as a graph: A gated graph wavelet recurrent neural network for network-scale traffic prediction
Z Cui, R Ke, Z Pu, X Ma, Y Wang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 115, 102620, 2020
Applications of machine learning methods in traffic crash severity modelling: current status and future directions
X Wen, Y Xie, L Jiang, Z Pu, T Ge
Transport reviews 41 (6), 855-879, 2021
How does ridesplitting reduce emissions from ridesourcing? A spatiotemporal analysis in Chengdu, China
W Li, Z Pu, Y Li, M Tu
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 95, 102885, 2021
Evaluation of spatial heterogeneity in the sensitivity of on-street parking occupancy to price change
Z Pu, Z Li, J Ash, W Zhu, Y Wang
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 77, 67-79, 2017
Full Bayesian before-after analysis of safety effects of variable speed limit system
Z Pu, Z Li, Y Jiang, Y Wang
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 22 (2), 964-976, 2020
Road surface friction prediction using long short-term memory neural network based on historical data
Z Pu, C Liu, X Shi, Z Cui, Y Wang
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 26 (1), 34-45, 2021
Monitoring Public Transit Ridership Flow by Passively Sensing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Mobile Devices
Z Pu, M Zhu, W Li, Z Cui, X Guo, Y Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (1), 474-486, 2020
Multimodal traffic speed monitoring: A real-time system based on passive Wi-Fi and Bluetooth sensing technology
Z Pu, Z Cui, J Tang, S Wang, Y Wang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (14), 12413-12424, 2021
Evaluating the nonlinear correlation between vertical curve features and crash frequency on highways using random forests
Z Pu, Z Li, R Ke, X Hua, Y Wang
Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems 146 (10), 04020115, 2020
Simulation of pedestrian behavior during the flashing green signal using a modified social force model
Z Zhou, Y Zhou, Z Pu, Y Xu
Transportmetrica A: transport science 15 (2), 1019-1040, 2019
Hybrid artificial immune algorithm for optimizing a Van-Robot E-grocery delivery system
D Liu, P Yan, Z Pu, Y Wang, EI Kaisar
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 154, 102466, 2021
Reinforcement learning-based variable speed limits control to reduce crash risks near traffic oscillations on freeways
Z Li, C Xu, Y Guo, P Liu, Z Pu
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 13 (4), 64-70, 2020
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Articles 1–20