Andrew J. Sánchez Meador
Andrew J. Sánchez Meador
Executive Director, Ecological Restoration Inst; Professor, School of Forestry
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lidR: An R package for analysis of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data
JR Roussel, D Auty, NC Coops, P Tompalski, TRH Goodbody, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 251, 112061, 2020
lidR: Airborne LiDAR data manipulation and visualization for forestry applications
JR Roussel, D Auty, F De Boissieu, AJ Sánchez Meador
R package version 1 (1), 2018
Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests
RK Hagmann, PF Hessburg, SJ Prichard, NA Povak, PM Brown, PZ Fulé, ...
Ecological Applications, 2021
Increasing trends in high-severity fire in the southwestern USA from 1984-2015
MP Singleton, AE Thode, AJ Sánchez Meador, JM Iniguez
Forest Ecology and Management 433, 709-719, 2019
Restoring composition and structure in southwestern frequent-fire forests: a science-based framework for improving ecosystem resiliency
RT Reynolds, AJ Sánchez Meador, JA Youtz, T Nicolet, MS Matonis, ...
MODIS phenology-derived, multi-year distribution of conterminous U.S. crop types
R Massey, TT Sankey, RG Congaltonb, K Yadavb, PS Thenkabailc, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 198, 490-503, 2017
108 years of change in spatial pattern following selective harvest of a Pinus ponderosa stand in northern Arizona, USA
AJ Sánchez Meador, MM Moore, JD Bakker, PF Parysow
Journal of Vegetation Science 20 (1), 79-90, 2009
Post-fire ponderosa pine regeneration with and without planting in Arizona and New Mexico
J Ouzts, TE Kolb, DW Huffman, AJ Sánchez Meador
Forest Ecology and Management 354, 281-290, 2015
Spatial patterns of ponderosa pine regeneration in high-severity burn patches
SM Owen, CH Sieg, AJ Sánchez Meador, PZ Fulé, JM Iniguez, S Baggett, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 2017 (405), 134-149, 2017
Effectiveness of fuel reduction treatments: assessing metrics of forest resiliency and wildfire severity after the Wallow Fire, AZ
AEM Waltz, MT Stoddard, EL Kalies, JD Springer, DW Huffman, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 334, 43-52, 2014
A New Method for Delineating Tree Patches and Assessing Spatial Reference Conditions of Ponderosa Pine Forests in Northern Arizona
AJ Sánchez Meador, PF Parysow, MM Moore
Restoration Ecology 19 (4), 490-499, 2010
Tamm review: Tree interactions between myth and reality
A Pommerening, AJ Sánchez Meador
Forest Ecology and Management 424, 164-176, 2018
Using trait-based ecology to restore resilient ecosystems: historical conditions and the future of montane forests in western North America
DC Laughlin, RT Strahan, DW Huffman, AJ Sánchez Meador
Restoration Ecology 25 (S2), S135–S146, 2017
Efficacy of resource objective wildfires for restoration of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests in northern Arizona
DW Huffman, AJ Sánchez Meador, MT Stoddard, JE Crouse, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 389, 395-403, 2017
Simulating post-wildfire forest trajectories under alternative climate and management scenarios
A Azpeleta Tarancón, PZ Fulé, KL Shive, CH Sieg, A Sánchez Meador, ...
Ecological Applications 24 (7), 1626-1637, 2014
Past, present, and future old growth in frequent-fire conifer forests of the Western United States
SR Abella, WW Covington, PZ Fulé, LB Lentile, AJ Sánchez Meador, ...
Ecology and Society, 2007
Community forest management and forest cover change in Lampung, Indonesia
A Putraditama, YS Kim, AJ Sánchez Meador
Forest Policy and Economics 106 (101976), 1-10, 2019
Adjudicating Perspectives on Forest Structure: How Do Airborne, Terrestrial, and Mobile Lidar-Derived Estimates Compare?
JJ Donager, AJ Sánchez Meador, RC Blackburn
Remote Sensing 13 (12), 2297, 2021
Ecological restoration guided by historical reference conditions can increase resilience to climate change of southwestern US Ponderosa pine forests
MT Stoddard, JP Roccaforte, AJ Sánchez Meador, DW Huffman, PZ Fulé, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 493, 119256, 2021
Shifts in community‐level traits and functional diversity in a mixed conifer forest: a legacy of land‐use change
RT Strahan, AJ Sánchez Meador, DW Huffman, DC Laughlin
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1755-1765, 2016
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