Samuel Angiboust
Samuel Angiboust
Professor, ENS Lyon and Institut Universitaire de France
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The subduction plate interface: Rock record and mechanical coupling (from long to short timescales)
P Agard, A Plunder, S Angiboust, G Bonnet, J Ruh
Lithos 320, 537-566, 2018
The Zermatt‐Saas ophiolite: the largest (60‐km wide) and deepest (c. 70–80 km) continuous slice of oceanic lithosphere detached from a subduction zone?
S Angiboust, P Agard, L Jolivet, O Beyssac
Terra Nova 21 (3), 171-180, 2009
Channelized fluid flow and eclogite-facies metasomatism along the subduction shear zone
S Angiboust, T Pettke, JCM De Hoog, B Caron, O Oncken
Journal of petrology 55 (5), 883-916, 2014
Locking of the Chile subduction zone controlled by fluid pressure before the 2010 earthquake
M Moreno, C Haberland, O Oncken, A Rietbrock, S Angiboust, ...
Nature Geoscience 7 (4), 292-296, 2014
Eclogitization of the Monviso ophiolite (W. Alps) and implications on subduction dynamics
S Angiboust, R Langdon, P Agard, D Waters, C Chopin
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 30 (1), 37-61, 2012
Subduction interface processes recorded by eclogite-facies shear zones (Monviso, W. Alps)
S Angiboust, P Agard, H Raimbourg, P Yamato, B Huet
Lithos 127 (1-2), 222-238, 2011
Deep burial of Asian continental crust beneath the Pamir imaged with local earthquake tomography
C Sippl, B Schurr, J Tympel, S Angiboust, J Mechie, X Yuan, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 384, 165-177, 2013
Effect of fluid circulation on subduction interface tectonic processes: Insights from thermo-mechanical numerical modelling
S Angiboust, S Wolf, E Burov, P Agard, P Yamato
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 357, 238-248, 2012
Initial water budget: The key to detaching large volumes of eclogitized oceanic crust along the subduction channel?
S Angiboust, P Agard
Lithos 120 (3-4), 453-474, 2010
Ilmenite breakdown and rutile-titanite stability in metagranitoids: Natural observations and experimental results
S Angiboust, D Harlov
American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials 102 (8 …, 2017
Eclogite breccias in a subducted ophiolite: A record of intermediate-depth earthquakes?
S Angiboust, P Agard, P Yamato, H Raimbourg
Geology 40 (8), 707-710, 2012
Subduction zone metamorphic pathway for deep carbon cycling: I. Evidence from HP/UHP metasedimentary rocks, Italian Alps
J Cook-Kollars, GE Bebout, NC Collins, S Angiboust, P Agard
Chemical Geology 386, 31-48, 2014
Probing the transition between seismically coupled and decoupled segments along an ancient subduction interface
S Angiboust, J Kirsch, O Oncken, J Glodny, P Monié, E Rybacki
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (6), 1905-1922, 2015
In search of transient subduction interfaces in the Dent Blanche–Sesia Tectonic System (W. Alps)
S Angiboust, J Glodny, O Oncken, C Chopin
Lithos 205, 298-321, 2014
Insights on deep, accretionary subduction processes from the Sistan ophiolitic “mélange”(Eastern Iran)
S Angiboust, P Agard, JCM De Hoog, J Omrani, A Plunder
Lithos 156, 139-158, 2013
Oxygen isotope record of oceanic and high-pressure metasomatism: a P–T–time–fluid path for the Monviso eclogites (Italy)
D Rubatto, S Angiboust
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 170, 1-16, 2015
Subduction zone metamorphic pathway for deep carbon cycling: II. Evidence from HP/UHP metabasaltic rocks and ophicarbonates
NC Collins, GE Bebout, S Angiboust, P Agard, M Scambelluri, L Crispini, ...
Chemical Geology 412, 132-150, 2015
Zagros blueschists: Episodic underplating and long-lived cooling of a subduction zone
S Angiboust, P Agard, J Glodny, J Omrani, O Oncken
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 443, 48-58, 2016
Transient stripping of subducting slabs controls periodic forearc uplift
A Menant, S Angiboust, T Gerya, R Lacassin, M Simoes, R Grandin
Nature communications 11 (1), 1823, 2020
Intermediate-depth brecciation along the subduction plate interface (Monviso eclogite, W. Alps)
M Locatelli, A Verlaguet, P Agard, L Federico, S Angiboust
Lithos 320, 378-402, 2018
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