Sarah Touati
Sarah Touati
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Origin and nonuniversality of the earthquake interevent time distribution
S Touati, M Naylor, IG Main
Physical Review Letters 102 (16), 168501, 2009
The dilatancy–diffusion hypothesis and earthquake predictability
IG Main, AF Bell, PG Meredith, S Geiger, S Touati
Masking of earthquake triggering behavior by a high background rate and implications for epidemic‐type aftershock sequence inversions
S Touati, M Naylor, IG Main, M Christie
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B3), 2011
Detection of change points in underlying earthquake rates, with application to global mega-earthquakes
S Touati, M Naylor, I Main
Geophysical Journal International 204 (2), 753-767, 2016
Quantifying uncertainty in mean earthquake interevent times for a finite sample
M Naylor, IG Main, S Touati
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B1), 2009
Statistical modeling of the 1997–1998 Colfiorito earthquake sequence: locating a stationary solution within parameter uncertainty
S Touati, M Naylor, IG Main
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 104 (2), 885-897, 2014
Model selection and uncertainty in earthquake hazard analysis
IG Main, M Naylor, J Greenhough, S Touati, AF Bell, J McCloskey
Applications of statistics and probability in civil engineering 1, 142, 2011
Earthquake interevent time distributions reflect the proportion of dependent and independent events pairs and are therefore not universal
M Naylor, S Touati, I Main, A Bell
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8699, 2010
Complexity, aftershock sequences, and uncertainty in earthquake statistics
S Touati
The University of Edinburgh, 2012
On the origin of power-law rheology during the evolution of damage
Y Kawada, M Naylor, S Touati, I Main
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10111, 2010
Are extreme events (statistically) special?
IG Main, M Naylor, J Greenhough, S Touati, AF Bell, J McCloskey
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, NG22A-01, 2009
Testing for scale-invariance in extreme events, with application to earthquake occurrence
I Main, M Naylor, J Greenhough, S Touati, A Bell, J McCloskey
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2113, 2009
Exploring the statistical convergence of earthquake inter-event times
M Naylor, I Main, S Touati
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2008, NG23A-1106, 2008
Statistical modeling of the 1997-98 Colfiorito earthquake sequence: locating a stationary solution within parameter uncertainty
S Touati, M Naylor, IG Main
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