So Takei
So Takei
Queens College of the City University of New York
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Cited by
Switching of perpendicular magnetization by spin–orbit torques in the absence of external magnetic fields
G Yu, P Upadhyaya, Y Fan, JG Alzate, W Jiang, KL Wong, S Takei, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (7), 548-554, 2014
Magnetization switching through giant spin–orbit torque in a magnetically doped topological insulator heterostructure
Y Fan, P Upadhyaya, X Kou, M Lang, S Takei, Z Wang, J Tang, L He, ...
Nature materials 13 (7), 699-704, 2014
Superfluid spin transport through antiferromagnetic insulators
S Takei, BI Halperin, A Yacoby, Y Tserkovnyak
Physical Review B 90 (9), 094408, 2014
Nonequilibrium quantum criticality in open electronic systems
A Mitra, S Takei, YB Kim, AJ Millis
Physical review letters 97 (23), 236808, 2006
Soft superconducting gap in semiconductor Majorana nanowires
S Takei, BM Fregoso, HY Hui, AM Lobos, S Das Sarma
Physical review letters 110 (18), 186803, 2013
Superfluid spin transport through easy-plane ferromagnetic insulators
S Takei, Y Tserkovnyak
Physical review letters 112 (22), 227201, 2014
Anti-damping spin transfer torque through epitaxial nickel oxide
T Moriyama, S Takei, M Nagata, Y Yoshimura, N Matsuzaki, T Terashima, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (16), 2015
Antiferromagnet-mediated spin transfer between a metal and a ferromagnet
S Takei, T Moriyama, T Ono, Y Tserkovnyak
Physical Review B 92 (2), 020409, 2015
Spin Superfluidity in the Quantum Hall State of Graphene
S Takei, A Yacoby, BI Halperin, Y Tserkovnyak
Physical review letters 116 (21), 216801, 2016
Thermally activated phase slips in superfluid spin transport in magnetic wires
SK Kim, S Takei, Y Tserkovnyak
Physical Review B 93 (2), 020402, 2016
Topological superconductivity and Majorana fermions in hybrid structures involving cuprate high- superconductors
S Takei, BM Fregoso, V Galitski, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (1), 014504, 2013
Microscopic theory for a ferromagnetic nanowire/superconductor heterostructure: Transport, fluctuations, and topological superconductivity
S Takei, V Galitski
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (5), 054521, 2012
Nonlocal magnetoresistance mediated by spin superfluidity
S Takei, Y Tserkovnyak
Physical Review Letters 115 (15), 156604, 2015
Nonequilibrium electron spectroscopy of Luttinger liquids
S Takei, M Milletari, B Rosenow
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (4), 041306, 2010
Low-density molecular gas of tightly bound Rashba-Dresselhaus fermions
S Takei, CH Lin, BM Anderson, V Galitski
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 023626, 2012
Topological spin transport by Brownian diffusion of domain walls
SK Kim, S Takei, Y Tserkovnyak
Physical Review B 92 (22), 220409, 2015
Anomalous scaling of fermions and order parameter fluctuations at quantum criticality
P Strack, S Takei, W Metzner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (12), 125103, 2010
Nonequilibrium-induced metal-superconductor quantum phase transition in graphene
S Takei, YB Kim
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (16), 165401, 2008
Neutral mode heat transport and fractional quantum Hall shot noise
S Takei, B Rosenow
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (23), 235316, 2011
Enhanced Fano factor in a molecular transistor coupled to phonons and Luttinger-liquid leads
S Takei, YB Kim, A Mitra
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (7), 075337, 2005
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Articles 1–20