Alex Ferrer
Alex Ferrer
Lecturer professor at UPC (Universtiat Politècnica de Catalunya), Researcher at CIMNE
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Dimensional hyper-reduction of nonlinear finite element models via empirical cubature
JA Hernandez, MA Caicedo, A Ferrer
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 313, 687-722, 2017
Topological sensitivity analysis in heterogeneous anisotropic elasticity problem. Theoretical and computational aspects
SM Giusti, A Ferrer, J Oliver
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 311, 134-150, 2016
Two‐scale topology optimization in computational material design: An integrated approach
A Ferrer, JC Cante, JA Hernández, J Oliver
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 114 (3), 232-254, 2018
Large-scale stochastic topology optimization using adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening through a two-level parallelization scheme
J Baiges, J Martínez-Frutos, D Herrero-Pérez, F Otero, A Ferrer
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 343, 186-206, 2019
A consistent relaxation of optimal design problems for coupling shape and topological derivatives
S Amstutz, C Dapogny, À Ferrer
Numerische mathematik 140, 35-94, 2018
SIMP‐ALL: A generalized SIMP method based on the topological derivative concept
A Ferrer
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 120 (3), 361-381, 2019
Vademecum-based approach to multi-scale topological material design
A Ferrer, J Oliver, JC Cante, O Lloberas-Valls
Advanced modeling and simulation in engineering sciences 3, 1-22, 2016
Stress minimization for lattice structures. Part I: Micro-structure design
A Ferrer, P Geoffroy-Donders, G Allaire
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2201), 20200109, 2021
Approximating the Basset force by optimizing the method of van Hinsberg et al.
G Casas, A Ferrer, E Oñate
Journal of Computational Physics 352, 142-171, 2018
On multi-scale computational design of structural materials using the topological derivative
J Oliver, A Ferrer, JC Cante, SM Giusti, O Lloberas-Valls
Advances in Computational Plasticity: A Book in Honour of D. Roger J. Owen …, 2018
Multi-scale topological design of structural materials: an integrated approach
À Ferrer Ferré
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017
Performance analysis of a damage tolerant composite self-deployable elastic-hinge
P Fernandes, R Pinto, A Ferrer, N Correia
Composite Structures 288, 115407, 2022
Inverse homogenization using the topological derivative
A Ferrer, SM Giusti
Engineering Computations 39 (1), 337-353, 2022
A consistent approximation of the total perimeter functional for topology optimization algorithms
S Amstutz, C Dapogny, A Ferrer
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 28, 18, 2022
The domain interface method in non-conforming domain decomposition multifield problems
O Lloberas-Valls, M Cafiero, J Cante, A Ferrer, J Oliver
Computational Mechanics 59, 579-610, 2017
Stress-Constrained Topology Optimization for Commercial Software: A Python Implementation for ABAQUS®
P Fernandes, À Ferrer, P Gonçalves, M Parente, R Pinto, N Correia
Applied Sciences 13 (23), 12916, 2023
On multi-scale structural topology optimization and material design
A Ferrer, JC Cante, J Oliver
Proceedings of the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (CMN_2015 …, 2015
Stress minimization for lattice structures
A Ferrer, P Geoffroy-Donders, G Allaire
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering CMN 2022 (2022. Las Palmas de …, 2022
[KEYNOTE LECTURE] Stress Minimization for Lattice Structures
A Ferrer, P Geoffroy-Donders, G Allaire
Mecánica Computacional 38 (38), 1447-1447, 2021
A strategy for a general search for new phenomena using data-derived signal regions and its application within the ATLAS experiment
A Collaboration
Eur. Phys. J. C 79, 120, 2019
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