Brian Tissue
Brian Tissue
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Virginia Tech
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Cited by
Dependence of fluorescence lifetimes of nanoparticles on the surrounding medium
RS Meltzer, SP Feofilov, B Tissue, HB Yuan
Physical Review B 60 (20), R14012, 1999
Synthesis and luminescence of lanthanide ions in nanoscale insulating hosts
BM Tissue
Chemistry of materials 10 (10), 2837-2845, 1998
Energy crossovers in nanocrystalline zirconia
MW Pitcher, SV Ushakov, A Navrotsky, BF Woodfield, G Li, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (1), 160-167, 2005
Preparation and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Bulk Monoclinic Eu3+:Y2O3 and Comparison to Eu3+:Y2O3 Nanocrystals
DK Williams, B Bihari, BM Tissue, JM McHale
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (6), 916-920, 1998
Spectra and dynamics of monoclinic Eu2O3 and Eu3+: Y2O3 nanocrystals
B Bihari, H Eilers, BM Tissue
Journal of luminescence 75 (1), 1-10, 1997
Laser spectroscopy of nanocrystalline Eu2O3 and Eu3+: Y2O3
H Eilers, BM Tissue
Chemical Physics Letters 251 (1-2), 74-78, 1996
Long-lifetime luminescence of lanthanide-doped gadolinium oxide nanoparticles for immunoassays
WO Gordon, JA Carter, BM Tissue
Journal of Luminescence 108 (1-4), 339-342, 2004
Structure, particle size, and annealing of gas phase-condensed Eu3+: Y2O3 nanophosphors
BM Tissue, HB Yuan
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 171 (1-2), 12-18, 2003
Effect of the matrix on the radiative lifetimes of rare earth doped nanoparticles embedded in matrices
RS Meltzer, WM Yen, H Zheng, SP Feofilov, MJ Dejneka, B Tissue, ...
Journal of Luminescence 94, 217-220, 2001
Synthesis of nanophase ZnO, Eu2O3, and ZrO2 by gas-phase condensation with cw-CO2 laser heating
H Eilers, BM Tissue
Materials letters 24 (4), 261-265, 1995
Electron–phonon interaction in rare earth doped nanocrystals
HS Yang, KS Hong, SP Feofilov, BM Tissue, RS Meltzer, WM Dennis
Journal of luminescence 83, 139-145, 1999
Adsorption and Decomposition of Dimethyl Methylphosphonate on Y2O3 Nanoparticles
WO Gordon, BM Tissue, JR Morris
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (8), 3233-3240, 2007
Ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy
BM Tissue
Characterization of Materials, 2002
Conversion of La2CuO4− δ to a superconductor by treatment in fluorine gas
BM Tissue, KM Cirillo, JC Wright, M Daeumling, DC Larbalestier
Solid state communications 65 (1), 51-54, 1988
Coloration of chromium‐doped yttrium aluminum garnet single‐crystal fibers using a divalent codopant
BM Tissue, W Jia, L Lu, WM Yen
Journal of applied physics 70 (7), 3775-3777, 1991
Spectral hole burning in crystalline Eu2O3 and Y2O3: Eu3+ nanoparticles
KS Hong, RS Meltzer, B Bihari, DK Williams, BM Tissue
Journal of luminescence 76, 234-237, 1998
Site-selective laser spectroscopy of : and :, (=, , )
BM Tissue, JC Wright
Physical Review B 36 (18), 9781, 1987
Lanthanide luminescence as a probe of nanocrystalline materials
BM Tissue, B Bihari
Journal of Fluorescence 8, 289-294, 1998
Laser-heated pedestal growth of laser and IR-upconverting materials
BM Tissue, L Lu, L Ma, W Jia, ML Norton, WM Yen
Journal of crystal growth 109 (1-4), 323-328, 1991
Evidence for long-range interactions between rare-earth impurity ions in nanocrystals embedded in amorphous matrices with the two-level systems of the matrix
RS Meltzer, WM Yen, H Zheng, SP Feofilov, MJ Dejneka, BM Tissue, ...
Physical Review B 64 (10), 100201, 2001
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