WEE Hin Boo
WEE Hin Boo
Research Fellow, Institute of Climate Change, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
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Cited by
Optimization of coral video transect technique for coral reef survey: comparison with intercept transect technique
M Safuan, WH Boo, HY Siang, LH Chark, Z Bachok
Open Journal of Marine Science 5 (4), 379-397, 2015
Marine biodiversity research in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan: current status and trends
JD Reimer, P Biondi, YW Lau, GD Masucci, XH Nguyen, MEA Santos, ...
PeerJ 7, e6532, 2019
Widespread Zoanthus and Palythoa dominance, barrens, and phase shifts in shallow water subtropical and tropical marine ecosystems
JD Reimer, HB Wee, C López, M Beger, ICS Cruz
Oceanography and marine biology, 533-557, 2021
The 2014-17 global coral bleaching event: the most severe and widespread coral reef destruction
CM Eakin, D Devotta, SF Heron, S Connolly, G Liu, E Geiger, JDL Cour, ...
Research Square Platform LLC, 2022
Zoantharian abundance in coral reef benthic communities at Terengganu Islands, Malaysia
HB Wee, JD Reimer, M Safuan, J Saidin, CH Tan, Z Bachok
Regional Studies in Marine Science 12, 58-63, 2017
Zoantharia (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) of the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand: a species list based on past reports and new photographic records
JD Reimer, HB Wee, A Put, B Hoeksema
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 63, 334-356, 2015
Coral health status assessment in Malaysia islands; looking towards Marine Spatial Planning
CDM Safuan, ARM Ashraf, CH Tan, SN Jaafar, PAM Yusop, RK Lai, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 213, 105856, 2021
Reduced Symbiodiniaceae diversity in Palythoa tuberculosa at a heavily acidified coral reef
HB Wee, H Kurihara, JD Reimer
Coral Reefs 38, 311-319, 2019
Status of giant clam resources around Okinawa‐jima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan
ML Neo, KK Lim, SY Yang, GY Soong, GD Masucci, P Biondi, HB Wee, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (6), 1002-1011, 2019
Zoantharia (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) abundance and associations with Porifera and Hydrozoa across a depth gradient on the west coast of Curaçao
JD Reimer, HB Wee, JE García-Hernández, BW Hoeksema
Systematics and Biodiversity 16 (8), 820-830, 2018
Crown-of-thorns starfish outbreak at oceanic Dongsha Atoll in the northern South China Sea
JD Reimer, H Kise, HB Wee, CL Lee, K Soong
Marine Biodiversity 49, 2495-2497, 2019
Predicting the sacculinid Sacculina beauforti infection status of the orange mud crab Scylla olivacea by discriminant analysis
H Fazhan, K Waiho, HB Wee, MA Surzanne, H Ma, M Ikhwanuddin
Aquaculture 491, 128-134, 2018
Current status on community structure of coral reefs around west coast of Peninsular Malaysia using coral video transect technique
M Sufuan
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 2016
Effects of temperature, salinity, and depth on Symbiodiniaceae lineages hosted by Palythoa tuberculosa near a river mouth
HB Wee, Y Kobayashi, JD Reimer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 667, 43-60, 2021
Investigating incidence and possible causes of pink and purple pigmentation response in hard coral genus Porites around Okinawajima Island, Japan
T Kubomura, HB Wee, JD Reimer
Regional Studies in Marine Science 41, 101569, 2021
Downslope migration of free-living corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) in typhoon-exposed reef habitats at Okinawa, Japan
T Ohara, BW Hoeksema, HB Wee, JD Reimer
Marine Environmental Research 170, 105445, 2021
Non-English academics face inequality via AI-generated essays and countermeasure tools
HB Wee, JD Reimer
BioScience 73 (7), 476-478, 2023
Projected effects of climate change on marine ecosystems in Southeast Asian seas
S Kay, AL Avillanosa, VV Cheung, HN Dao, BJ Gonzales, HP Palla, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1082170, 2023
Same but different? Zoantharian assemblages (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia) in Bonaire and Curaçao, southern Caribbean
JD Reimer, HB Wee, JE García-Hernández, BW Hoeksema
Coral Reefs 41 (2), 383-396, 2022
Symbiodiniaceae diversity of Palythoa tuberculosa in the central and southern Red Sea influenced by environmental factors
HB Wee, ML Berumen, T Ravasi, JD Reimer
Coral Reefs 39 (6), 1619-1633, 2020
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Articles 1–20