Fernando Pinhabel Marafão
Cited by
Cited by
Repetitive-based control for selective harmonic compensation in active power filters
P Mattavelli, FP Marafao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 51 (5), 1018-1024, 2004
Centralized control of distributed single-phase inverters arbitrarily connected to three-phase four-wire microgrids
DI Brandao, T Caldognetto, FP Marafao, MG Simões, JA Pomilio, P Tenti
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (1), 437-446, 2016
Conversor eletrônico de potência trifásico para sistema fotovoltaico conectado à rede elétrica
MG Villalva
[sn], 2010
Multifunctional control strategy for asymmetrical cascaded H-bridge inverter in microgrid applications
A Mortezaei, MG Simões, AS Bubshait, TDC Busarello, FP Marafao, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (2), 1538-1551, 2016
Frequency-adjustable positive sequence detector for power conditioning applications
MS Pádua, SM Deckmann, FP Marafão
2005 IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1928-1934, 2005
Comparative analysis of synchronization algorithms based on PLL, RDFT and Kalman filter
MS Padua, SM Deckmann, GS Sperandio, FP Marafao, D Colon
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 964-970, 2007
Multi‐task control strategy for grid‐tied inverters based on conservative power theory
FP Marafão, DI Brandão, A Costabeber, HKM Paredes
IET Renewable Power Generation 9 (2), 154-165, 2015
PQ, DQ and CPT control methods for shunt active compensators—A comparative study
A Mortezaei, C Lute, MG Simoes, FP Marafão, A Boglia
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2994-3001, 2014
Accountability in smart microgrids based on conservative power theory
P Tenti, HKM Paredes, FP Marafao, P Mattavelli
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 60 (9), 3058-3069, 2011
Grid-connected symmetrical cascaded multilevel converter for power quality improvement
A Mortezaei, MG Simoes, TDC Busarello, FP Marafão, A Al-Durra
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (3), 2792-2805, 2018
Power metering: History and future trends
FD Garcia, FP Marafão, WA de Souza, LCP da Silva
2017 Ninth Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), 26-33, 2017
A comparative analysis of FBD, PQ and CPT current decompositions—Part I: Three-phase, three-wire systems
HKM Paredes, FP Marafao, LCP Da Silva
2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech, 1-8, 2009
Three-phase to single-phase direct connection rural cogeneration systems
RQ Machado, S Buso, JA Pomilio, FP Marafão
Nineteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2004
Metodologia de projeto e análise de algoritmos de sincronismo PLL
FP Marafão, SM Deckmann, JA Pomilio, RQ Machado
Eletrônica de Potência 10 (1), 7-14, 2005
Análise e controle da energia elétrica através de técnicas de processamento digital de sinais
FP Marafão
Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, Campinas, Tese de Doutorado, 2004
A selective harmonic compensation and power control approach exploiting distributed electronic converters in microgrids
AM dos Santos Alonso, DI Brandao, T Caldognetto, FP Marafão, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 115, 105452, 2020
Optimal multiobjective control of low-voltage AC microgrids: Power flow regulation and compensation of reactive power and unbalance
DI Brandao, WM Ferreira, AMS Alonso, E Tedeschi, FP Marafão
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1239-1252, 2019
Teoria de potência conservativa= uma nova abordagem para o controle cooperativo de condicionadores de energia e considerações sobre atribuição de responsabilidades
HKM Paredes
[sn], 2011
Coordinated control of distributed three-and single-phase inverters connected to three-phase three-wire microgrids
DI Brandao, LS Araujo, AMS Alonso, GL Dos Reis, EV Liberado, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (4 …, 2019
Decoupled reference generator for shunt active filters using the conservative power theory
FP Marafão, DI Brandão, FAS Gonçalves, HKM Paredes
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 24, 522-534, 2013
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Articles 1–20