Hui Xue
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Zitiert von
A MoSe2/WSe2 Heterojunction‐Based Photodetector at Telecommunication Wavelengths
H Xue, Y Wang, Y Dai, W Kim, H Jussila, M Qi, J Susoma, Z Ren, Q Dai, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (47), 1804388, 2018
High photoresponsivity and broadband photodetection with a band-engineered WSe 2/SnSe 2 heterostructure
H Xue, Y Dai, W Kim, Y Wang, X Bai, M Qi, K Halonen, H Lipsanen, Z Sun
Nanoscale 11 (7), 3240-3247, 2019
Graphene actively mode‐locked lasers
J Bogusławski, Y Wang, H Xue, X Yang, D Mao, X Gan, Z Ren, J Zhao, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (28), 1801539, 2018
Electrical Control of Interband Resonant Nonlinear Optics in Monolayer MoS2
Y Dai, Y Wang, S Das, H Xue, X Bai, E Hulkko, G Zhang, X Yang, Q Dai, ...
ACS nano 14 (7), 8442-8448, 2020
Graphene actively Q-switched lasers
D Li, H Xue, M Qi, Y Wang, S Aksimsek, N Chekurov, W Kim, C Li, ...
2D Materials 4 (2), 025095, 2017
Broadband Plasmon-Enhanced Four-Wave Mixing in Monolayer MoS2
Y Dai, Y Wang, S Das, S Li, H Xue, A Mohsen, Z Sun
Nano letters 21 (14), 6321-6327, 2021
Photoresponse of graphene-gated graphene-GaSe heterojunction devices
W Kim, S Arpiainen, H Xue, M Soikkeli, M Qi, Z Sun, H Lipsanen, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 (8), 3895-3902, 2018
Active synchronization and modulation of fiber lasers with a graphene electro-optic modulator
D Li, H Xue, Y Wang, M Qi, W Kim, C Li, J Riikonen, Z Ren, J Bai, ...
Optics letters 43 (15), 3497-3500, 2018
Ultrafast Lasers: Graphene Actively Mode‐Locked Lasers (Adv. Funct. Mater. 28/2018)
J Bogusławski, Y Wang, H Xue, X Yang, D Mao, X Gan, Z Ren, J Zhao, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (28), 1870194, 2018
Broadband Four-Wave Mixing Enhancement in 2D Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides Using Plasmonic Structures
Y Dai, Y Wang, S Das, H Xue, M Ahmadi, S Li, Z Sun
European Quantum Electronics Conference, eg_4_3, 2021
Fabrication of Optoelectronic Devices with Two-dimensional Layered Materials and Their Heterostructures
H Xue
Aalto University, 2020
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