Nilanjan Roy Chowdhury
Nilanjan Roy Chowdhury
Postdoctoral scholar
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Cited by
A review of optimal control methods for energy storage systems-energy trading, energy balancing and electric vehicles
R Machlev, N Zargari, NR Chowdhury, J Belikov, Y Levron
Journal of Energy Storage 32, 101787, 2020
Virtual inertia control methods in islanded microgrids
V Skiparev, R Machlev, NR Chowdhury, Y Levron, E Petlenkov, J Belikov
Energies 14 (6), 1562, 2021
Applications of game theory to design and operation of modern power systems: A comprehensive review
A Navon, G Ben Yosef, R Machlev, S Shapira, N Roy Chowdhury, ...
Energies 13 (15), 3982, 2020
Continuous opinions and discrete actions in social networks: a multi-agent system approach
NR Chowdhury, IC Morărescu, S Martin, S Srikant
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1739-1744, 2016
Observer-based detection and identification of sensor attacks in networked CPSs
NR Chowdhury, J Belikov, D Baimel, Y Levron
Automatica 121, 109166, 2020
New type of bridge fault current limiter with reduced power losses for transient stability improvement of DFIG wind farm
D Baimel, N Chowdhury, J Belikov, Y Levron
Electric Power Systems Research 197, 107293, 2021
Optimal control of lossy energy storage systems with nonlinear efficiency based on dynamic programming and pontryagin's minimum principle
NR Chowdhury, R Ofir, N Zargari, D Baimel, J Belikov, Y Levron
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 36 (1), 524-533, 2020
A new condition for asymptotic consensus over switching graphs
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, D Chatterjee
Automatica 97, 18-26, 2018
On the estimation of the consensus rate of convergence in graphs with persistent interconnections
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, M Maghenem, A Lorķa
International Journal of Control 91 (1), 132-144, 2018
Persistence based analysis of consensus protocols for dynamic graph networks
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 886-891, 2014
On the estimation of algebraic connectivity in graphs with persistently exciting interconnections
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, M Maghenem, A Loria
Int. J. of Contr 91 (1), 132-144, 2018
Persistence based convergence rate analysis of consensus protocols for dynamic graph networks
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, N Balachandran
European Journal of Control 29, 33-43, 2016
Distributed storage placement policy for minimizing frequency deviations: A combinatorial optimization approach based on enhanced cross-entropy method
R Machlev, NR Chowdhury, J Belikov, Y Levron
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 134, 107332, 2022
An optimal control method for storage systems with ramp constraints, based on an on-going trimming process
N Zargari, R Ofir, NR Chowdhury, J Belikov, Y Levron
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (1), 493-496, 2022
Applications of game theory to design and operation of modern power systems: A comprehensive review. Energies 2020, 13, 3982
A Navon, GB Yosef, R Machlev, S Shapira, NR Chowdhury, J Belikov, ...
A new cyber-secure countermeasure for LTI systems under dos attacks
NR Chowdhury, N Negi, A Chakrabortty
2019 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 304-309, 2019
Construction of nonlinear feedback strategies for energy storage systems: A stochastic dynamic programming approach
NR Chowdhury, D Baimel, J Belikov, Y Levron
2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech, 1-6, 2021
Consensus analysis of systems with time-varying interactions: An event-triggered approach
SA Kumar, NR Chowdhury, S Srikant, J Raisch
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 9349-9354, 2017
Consensus analysis of double integrator agents with persistent interaction graphs
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar
2015 5th Australian Control Conference (AUCC), 120-125, 2015
A comparative study of persistence based convergence rate estimates to consensus
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (11), 534-539, 2015
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Articles 1–20