Yves Vanrompay
Cited by
Cited by
Middleware for the internet of things, design goals and challenges
K Paridel, E Bainomugisha, Y Vanrompay, Y Berbers, W De Meuter
Electronic Communications of the EASST, 2010
Context-aware service selection using graph matching
M Kirsch-Pinheiro, Y Vanrompay, Y Berbers
2nd Non Functional Properties and Service Level Agreements in Service …, 2008
Genetic algorithm-based optimization of service composition and deployment
Y Vanrompay, P Rigole, Y Berbers
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Services integration in …, 2008
Predicting your next OLAP query based on recent analytical sessions
MA Aufaure, N Kuchmann-Beauger, P Marcel, S Rizzi, Y Vanrompay
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 15th International Conference …, 2013
Context inference of users' social relationships and distributed policy management
A Devlic, R Reichle, M Wagner, MK Pinheiro, Y Vanrompay, Y Berbers, ...
2009 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications …, 2009
A coordinated framework for optimized charging of EV fleet in smart grid
M Usman, L Knapen, Y Vanrompay, T Bellemans, D Janssens, G Wets
Procedia Computer Science 94, 332-339, 2016
Demonstration of the PARLANCE system: a data-driven incremental, spoken dialogue system for interactive search
H Hastie, MA Aufaure, P Alexopoulos, H Cuayáhuitl, N Dethlefs, M Gasic, ...
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 Conference, 154-156, 2013
Context-aware adaptation in an ecology of applications
D Preuveneers, K Victor, Y Vanrompay, P Rigole, MK Pinheiro
Context-Aware Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing for Enhanced Usability …, 2009
A vendor-independent mobile health monitoring platform for digital health studies: development and usability study
T Vandenberk, V Storms, D Lanssens, H De Cannière, CJP Smeets, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (10), e12586, 2019
Facilitating hikers’ mobility in protected areas through smartphone app: a case of the Hoge Kempen National Park, Belgium
M Shaker, E Hermans, V Cops, Y Vanrompay, M Adnan, R Maes, ...
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 25, 219-236, 2021
Analyzing the efficiency of context-based grouping on collaboration in VANETs with large-scale simulation
K Paridel, T Mantadelis, AUH Yasar, D Preuveneers, G Janssens, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 5 (4), 475-490, 2014
Optimizing information dissemination in large scale mobile peer-to-peer networks using context-based grouping
Y Vanrompay, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2010
Context grouping mechanism for context distribution in ubiquitous environments
M Kirsch-Pinheiro, Y Vanrompay, K Victor, Y Berbers, M Valla, C Frà, ...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008: OTM 2008 Confederated …, 2008
Ontology learning from open linked data and web snippets
I Tiddi, NB Mustapha, Y Vanrompay, MA Aufaure
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012 Workshops: Confederated …, 2012
Service selection with uncertain context information
Y Vanrompay, M Kirsch-Pinheiro, Y Berbers
Handbook of research on service-oriented systems and non-functional …, 2012
Evolution of context-aware user profiles
J Thomsen, Y Vanrompay, Y Berbers
2009 International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications & Workshops …, 2009
CTASS: an intelligent framework for personalized travel behaviour advice to cardiac patients
T Batool, Y Vanrompay, A Neven, D Janssens, G Wets
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 4693-4705, 2019
Teamwork on the road: Efficient collaboration in VANETs with context-based grouping
K Paridel, Y Vanrompay, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Procedia Computer Science 5, 48-57, 2011
Context-aware service selection with uncertain context information
Y Vanrompay, MK Pinheiro, Y Berbers
Electronic Communications of the EASST 19, http://eceasst. cs. tu-berlin. de …, 2009
An intelligent domotics system to automate user actions
NK Ché, N Pardons, Y Vanrompay, D Preuveneers, Y Berbers
Ambient Intelligence and Future Trends-International Symposium on Ambient …, 2010
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Articles 1–20