Rafal Noga
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Cited by
Modeling and control of the String2 LHC Prototype at CERN
R Noga, C de Prada
Master's thesis, Gdansk University of Technology, University of Karlsruhe …, 2007
Nonlinear model predictive control for the superfluid helium cryogenic circuit of the Large Hadron Collider
R Noga, T Ohtsuka, C de Prada Moraga, EB Vinuela, JC Cubillos
2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 1654-1659, 2010
Non-linear moving horizon state estimation and control for the superfluid helium cryogenic circuit at the large Hadron Collider
R Noga, C de Prada, T Ohtsuka, E Blanco, J Casas
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3530-3535, 2014
First principles modeling of the Large Hadron Collider’s (LHC) Super Fluid Helium Cryogenic Circuit
R Noga, C de Prada
Proceedings of 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS08), 2008
NMPC for superfluid helium cryogenics
R Noga, T Ohtsuka, C de Prada, E Blanco, J Casas
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (23), 440-445, 2015
NMPC for stiff, distributed parameter system: Semi-Automatic Code Generation and optimality condition evaluation
R Noga, T Ohtsuka
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control, 2011
Non-linear Model Predictive Control for cooling strings of superconducting magnets using superfluid helium
R Noga
Non-linear Moving Horizon State Estimation and Control for the Superfluid Helium Cryogenic Circuit at the Large Hadron Collider
JC Rafal Noga, Cesar De Prada, Toshiyuki Ohtsuka, Enrique Blanco
The 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision Control (CDC 2014), Los Angeles, CA …, 2014
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