Yseult Héjja-Brichard
Yseult Héjja-Brichard
Postdoctoral researcher, KLIVV, VetMedUni & Dept. Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna
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Zitiert von
Processing of egomotion-consistent optic flow in the rhesus macaque cortex
BR Cottereau, AT Smith, S Rima, D Fize, Y Héjja-Brichard, L Renaud, ...
Cerebral Cortex 27 (1), 330-343, 2017
Good scientific practice in EEG and MEG research: Progress and perspectives
G Niso, LR Krol, E Combrisson, AS Dubarry, MA Elliott, C François, ...
NeuroImage 257, 119056, 2022
Stereomotion processing in the nonhuman primate brain
Y Héjja-Brichard, S Rima, E Rapha, JB Durand, BR Cottereau
Cerebral Cortex 30 (8), 4528-4543, 2020
Connectivity of the Cingulate Sulcus Visual Area (CSv) in Macaque Monkeys
V De Castro, AT Smith, AL Beer, C Leguen, N Vayssière, Y Héjja-Brichard, ...
Cerebral Cortex 31 (2), 1347-1364, 2021
Wide-field retinotopy reveals a new visuotopic cluster in macaque posterior parietal cortex
S Rima, BR Cottereau, Y Héjja-Brichard, Y Trotter, JB Durand
Brain Structure and Function 225, 2447-2461, 2020
Symmetry processing in the macaque visual cortex
P Audurier, Y Héjja-Brichard, V De Castro, PJ Kohler, A Norcia, ...
Cerebral Cortex, 2021
The evolution of primate short-term memory
G Aguenounon, M Allritz, DM Altschul, S Ballesta, A Beaud, M Bohn, ...
Animal Behavior and Cognition 9 (4), 2022
Modelling binocular disparity processing from statistics in natural scenes
T Chauhan, Y Héjja-Brichard, BR Cottereau
Vision Research 176, 27-39, 2020
Spatial and temporal integration of binocular disparity in the primate brain (Thesis)
Y Héjja-Brichard
Université Toulouse 3-Paul Sabatier, 2020
An annotated introductory reading list for neurodiversity
M Zaneva, T Coll-Martín, Y Héjja-Brichard, T Kalandadze, A Kis, ...
eLife 13, e102467, 2024
Using Neural Style Transfer to study the evolution of animal signal design: A case study in an ornamented fish
Y Héjja-Brichard, K Million, JP Renoult, TC Mendelson
Ecological Informatics, 102881, 2024
Comparative analysis reveals assortative mate preferences in darters independent of sympatry and sex
Y Héjja-Brichard, JP Renoult, TC Mendelson
Ecology and Evolution 14 (10), 2024
Perceptual biases, camouflage patterns, and the origin of sexual signals
Y Héjja-Brichard, M Raymond, IC Cuthill, TC Mendelson, JP Renoult
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 27.559753, 2023
Rethinking Our Narratives: The Challenge Of “Slow Science”
Y Héjja-Brichard
LiveMEEG, 2020
Influence of natural statistics on depth perception
Y Héjja-Brichard, SEP Bruzzone, E Rapha, JB Durand, BR Cottereau
Predictive Brain Conference, 2019
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