Robert M. Mason
Robert M. Mason
(Emeritus) Professor of Information
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Cited by
Rumors, false flags, and digital vigilantes: Misinformation on twitter after the 2013 boston marathon bombing
K Starbird, J Maddock, M Orand, P Achterman, RM Mason
IConference 2014 proceedings, 2014
The influence prism in SMEs: The power of CEOs' perceptions on technology policy and its organizational impacts
LA Lefebvre, R Mason, E Lefebvre
Management science 43 (6), 856-878, 1997
Knowledge and knowledge management in the social media age
J Hemsley, RM Mason
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 23 (1-2), 138-167, 2013
Characterizing online rumoring behavior using multi-dimensional signatures
J Maddock, K Starbird, HJ Al-Hassani, DE Sandoval, M Orand, RM Mason
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on computer supported cooperative …, 2015
An exploratory study on meta skills in software development teams: antecedent cooperation skills and personality for shared mental models
HD Yang, HR Kang, RM Mason
European Journal of Information Systems 17 (1), 47-61, 2008
Strategic information systems: Use of information technology in a learning organization
RM Mason
[1993] Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Hawaii International Conference on …, 1993
The nature of knowledge in the social media age: Implications for knowledge management models
J Hemsley, RM Mason
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3928-3937, 2012
Culture-free or culture-bound? A boundary spanning perspective on learning in knowledge management systems
RM Mason
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 11 (4), 20-36, 2003
Organizational fields and the diffusion of information technologies within and across the nonprofit and public sectors: A preliminary theory
JB Thatcher, RS Brower, RM Mason
The American Review of Public Administration 36 (4), 437-454, 2006
How executives perceive the net generation
K Barzilai-Nahon, RM Mason
Information, Communication & Society 13 (3), 396-418, 2010
A multilevel perspective of tensions between knowledge management and social media
DP Ford, RM Mason
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 23 (1-2), 7-33, 2013
Dementia drug development: use of information systems to harmonize global drug development.
PJ Whitehouse, CG Sciulli, RM Mason
Psychopharmacology bulletin 33 (1), 129-133, 1997
The internet, value chain visibility, and learning
HD Yang, RM Mason, A Chaudhury
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 6 (1), 101-120, 2001
The role of metaphors in strategic information systems planning
RM Mason
Journal of Management Information Systems 8 (2), 11-30, 1991
Cultural determinants of leaning effectiveness from knowledge management systems: A multinational investigation
CP Furner, RM Mason, N Mehta, TP Munyon, R Zinko
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 12 (1), 30-51, 2009
On the nature of knowledge: Rethinking popular assumptions
BT Keane, RM Mason
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2006
Using historical twitter data for research: Ethical challenges of tweet deletions
J Maddock, K Starbird, RM Mason
CSCW 2015 workshop on ethics for studying sociotechnical systems in a Big …, 2015
The negotiation and selection of horizontal mechanisms to support post-implementation ERP organizations
KP Gallagher, JL Worrell, RM Mason
Information Technology & People 25 (1), 4-30, 2012
Knowledge management and social media: The challenges and benefits
DP Ford, RM Mason
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 23 (1-2), 1-6, 2013
A lower bound cost benefit model for information services
RM Mason, PG Sassone
Information Processing & Management 14 (2), 71-83, 1978
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Articles 1–20