Tianjiao Zeng
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SAR ship detection dataset (SSDD): Official release and comprehensive data analysis
T Zhang, X Zhang, J Li, X Xu, B Wang, X Zhan, Y Xu, X Ke, T Zeng, H Su, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (18), 3690, 2021
Deep learning for digital holography: a review
T Zeng, Y Zhu, EY Lam
Optics express 29 (24), 40572-40593, 2021
A group-wise feature enhancement-and-fusion network with dual-polarization feature enrichment for SAR ship detection
X Xu, X Zhang, Z Shao, J Shi, S Wei, T Zhang, T Zeng
Remote Sensing 14 (20), 5276, 2022
RedCap: residual encoder-decoder capsule network for holographic image reconstruction
T Zeng, HKH So, EY Lam
Optics express 28 (4), 4876-4887, 2020
Computational image speckle suppression using block matching and machine learning
T Zeng, HKH So, EY Lam
Applied optics 58 (7), B39-B45, 2019
Robust reconstruction with deep learning to handle model mismatch in lensless imaging
T Zeng, EY Lam
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7, 1080-1092, 2021
Full scene underwater imaging with polarization and an untrained network
Y Zhu, T Zeng, K Liu, Z Ren, EY Lam
Optics Express 29 (25), 41865-41881, 2021
RBFA-net: a rotated balanced feature-aligned network for rotated SAR ship detection and classification
Z Shao, X Zhang, T Zhang, X Xu, T Zeng
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3345, 2022
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) meets deep learning
T Zhang, T Zeng, X Zhang
Remote Sensing 15 (2), 303, 2023
LightGAN: A deep generative model for light field reconstruction
N Meng, Z Ge, T Zeng, EY Lam
IEEE Access 8, 116052-116063, 2020
Scale in scale for SAR ship instance segmentation
Z Shao, X Zhang, S Wei, J Shi, X Ke, X Xu, X Zhan, T Zhang, T Zeng
Remote Sensing 15 (3), 629, 2023
Spatial and angular reconstruction of light field based on deep generative networks
N Meng, T Zeng, EY Lam
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4659-4663, 2019
Digital holographic imaging via deep learning
Z Ren, T Zeng, EY Lam
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CTu3A. 4, 2019
Model-based network architecture for image reconstruction in lensless imaging
T Zeng, EY Lam
Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications X 11551, 28-33, 2020
Speckle suppression using the convolutional neural network with an exponential linear unit
T Zeng, Z Ren, EY Lam
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, CW5B. 3, 2018
A target-oriented Bayesian compressive sensing imaging method with region-adaptive extractor for mmw automotive radar
Y Xu, X Zhang, S Wei, J Shi, T Zeng, T Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023
Shadow-enhanced self-attention and anchor-adaptive network for video SAR moving target tracking
J Bao, X Zhang, T Zhang, T Zeng, Z Yang, X Zhan, J Shi, S Wei
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-13, 2023
CFAR-guided convolution neural network for large scale scene SAR ship detection
Z Shao, X Zhang, X Xu, T Zeng, T Zhang, J Shi
2023 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf23), 1-5, 2023
Lensless sensing using the event sensor
Z Ge, T Zeng, EY Lam
Imaging Systems and Applications, ITu6B. 5, 2021
Image fusion using laplacian pyramid transform
T Zeng, R Hu, Y He, Y Wang
ECE Capstone Design Project, Rutgers School of Engineering, Spring, 2014
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