Carlos Alberto Martinez
Carlos Alberto Martinez
Professor of Plant Physiology, Department of Biology, FFCLRP, University of São Paulo, Brazil
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Photosynthesis and activity of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and glutathione reductase in cotton under salt stress
DA Meloni, MA Oliva, CA Martinez, J Cambraia
Environmental and Experimental Botany 49 (1), 69-76, 2003
Contribution of proline and inorganic solutes to osmotic adjustment in cotton under salt stress
DA Meloni, MA Oliva, HA Ruiz, CA Martinez
Journal of Plant Nutrition 24 (3), 599-612, 2001
The effects of salt stress on growth, nitrate reduction and proline and glycinebetaine accumulation in Prosopis alba
DA Meloni, MR Gulotta, CA Martínez, MA Oliva
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 16 (1), 39-46, 2004
Enhanced accumulation of BiP in transgenic plants confers tolerance to water stress
FC Alvim, SMB Carolino, JCM Cascardo, CC Nunes, CA Martinez, ...
Plant Physiology 126 (3), 1042-1054, 2001
Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in four citrus rootstocks under aluminium stress
WE Pereira, DL de Siqueira, CA Martínez, M Puiatti
Journal of Plant Physiology 157 (5), 513-520, 2000
Differential responses of superoxide dismutase in freezing resistant Solanum curtilobum and freezing sensitive Solanum tuberosum subjected to oxidative and water stress
CA Martinez, ME Loureiro, MA Oliva, M Maestri
Plant Science 160 (3), 505-515, 2001
In vitro salt tolerance and proline accumulation in Andean potato (Solanum spp.) differing in frost resistance
CA Martinez, M Maestri, EG Lani
Plant Science 116 (2), 177-184, 1996
Differential responses of antioxidant enzymes in pioneer and late-successional tropical tree species grown under sun and shade conditions
VF Favaretto, CA Martinez, HH Soriani, RPM Furriel
Environmental and Experimental Botany 70 (1), 20-28, 2011
Photosynthesis and water use efficiency in twenty tropical tree species of differing succession status in a Brazilian reforestation
A Nogueira, CA Martinez, LL Ferreira, C Prado
Photosynthetica 42 (3), 351-356, 2004
Salinity tolerance in Schinopsis quebracho colorado: Seed germination, growth, ion relations and metabolic responses
DA Meloni, MR Gulotta, CA Martinez
Journal of Arid Environments 72 (10), 1785-1792, 2008
Stomatal control of transpiration in the canopy of a clonal Eucalyptus grandis plantation
MS Mielke, MA Oliva, NF de Barros, RM Penchel, CA Martinez, ...
Trees 13 (3), 152-160, 1999
Effect of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on the establishment of seedlings of jatobá, Hymenaea courbaril L.(Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae)
MPM Aidar, CA Martinez, AC Costa, PMF Costa, SMC Dietrich, ...
Biota Neotropica 2 (1), 1-10, 2002
Moderate warming increases PSII performance, antioxidant scavenging systems and biomass production in Stylosanthes capitata Vogel
CA Martinez, M Bianconi, L Silva, A Approbato, M Lemos, L Santos, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 102, 58-67, 2014
Expresiones fisiologicas de resistencia a la sequia en dos variedades de papa sometidas a estres hidrico en condiciones de campo
Bras. Fisiol. Veg 4, 33-38, 1992
Physiological caracteristics of soybean and common bean crops and three weed species
SO Procópio, JB Santos, AA Silva, CA Martinez, RC Werlang
Planta Daninha 22 (2), 211-216, 2004
Leaf gas exchange in a clonal eucalypt plantation as related to soil moisture, leaf water potential and microclimate variables
MS Mielke, MA Oliva, NF de Barros, RM Penchel, CA Martinez, ...
Trees 14 (5), 263-270, 2000
Glycinebetaine improves salt tolerance in vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia Griesbach) seedlings
DA Meloni, CA Martínez
Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 21 (3), 233-241, 2009
Microtuberization of Andean potato species (Solanum spp.) as affected by salinity
JAB Silva, WC Otoni, CA Martinez, LM Dias, MAP Silva
Scientia Horticulturae 89 (2), 91-101, 2001
Effects of fluoride emissions on two tropical grasses: Chloris gayana and Panicum maximum cv. Colonião
AMD Junior, MA Oliva, CA Martinez, J Cambraia
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 67 (2), 247-253, 2007
Traffic-related air pollution biomonitoring with Tradescantia pallida (Rose) Hunt. cv. purpurea Boom in Brazil
APM Santos, SI Segura-Muñoz, M Nadal, M Schuhmacher, JL Domingo, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187 (2), 1-10, 2015
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Articles 1–20