Oliver Fenwick
Oliver Fenwick
School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary, University of London
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Cited by
Toward stretchable self‐powered sensors based on the thermoelectric response of PEDOT: PSS/polyurethane blends
PJ Taroni, G Santagiuliana, K Wan, P Calado, M Qiu, H Zhang, NM Pugno, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (15), 1704285, 2018
Tuning the energetics and tailoring the optical properties of silver clusters confined in zeolites
O Fenwick, E Coutiņo-Gonzalez, D Grandjean, W Baekelant, F Richard, ...
Nature materials 15 (9), 1017-1022, 2016
Enhanced control of self-doping in halide perovskites for improved thermoelectric performance
T Liu, X Zhao, J Li, Z Liu, F Liscio, S Milita, BC Schroeder, O Fenwick
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1-9, 2019
Thin film tin selenide (SnSe) thermoelectric generators exhibiting ultralow thermal conductivity
MR Burton, T Liu, J McGettrick, S Mehraban, J Baker, A Pockett, T Watson, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (31), 1801357, 2018
Thermochemical nanopatterning of organic semiconductors
O Fenwick, L Bozec, D Credgington, A Hammiche, GM Lazzerini, ...
Nature nanotechnology 4 (10), 664-668, 2009
Linear and cyclic porphyrin hexamers as near-infrared emitters in organic light-emitting diodes
O Fenwick, JK Sprafke, J Binas, DV Kondratuk, F Di Stasio, HL Anderson, ...
Nano letters 11 (6), 2451-2456, 2011
Large Work Function Shift of Gold Induced by a Novel Perfluorinated Azobenzene‐Based Self‐Assembled Monolayer
N Crivillers, S Osella, C Van Dyck, GM Lazzerini, D Cornil, A Liscio, ...
Advanced Materials 25 (3), 432-436, 2013
Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots/TiO2 Nanoparticle Composites for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation
H Luo, S Dimitrov, M Daboczi, JS Kim, Q Guo, Y Fang, MA Stoeckel, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 3 (4), 3371-3381, 2020
Thermoelectric materials: current status and future challenges
PA Finn, C Asker, K Wan, E Bilotti, O Fenwick, CB Nielsen
Frontiers in Electronic Materials, 2021
High responsivity circular polarized light detectors based on quasi two-dimensional chiral perovskite films
T Liu, W Shi, W Tang, Z Liu, BC Schroeder, O Fenwick, MJ Fuchter
ACS nano 16 (2), 2682-2689, 2022
Modulating the charge injection in organic field-effect transistors: fluorinated oligophenyl self-assembled monolayers for high work function electrodes
O Fenwick, C Van Dyck, K Murugavel, D Cornil, F Reinders, S Haar, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (13), 3007-3015, 2015
Non‐conventional Processing and Post‐processing Methods for the Nanostructuring of Conjugated Materials for Organic Electronics
G De Luca, W Pisula, D Credgington, E Treossi, O Fenwick, GM Lazzerini, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (7), 1279-1295, 2011
Roadmap on energy harvesting materials
V Pecunia, SRP Silva, JD Phillips, E Artegiani, A Romeo, H Shim, J Park, ...
Journal of Physics: Materials 6 (4), 042501, 2023
Photoinduced work function changes by isomerization of a densely packed azobenzene-based SAM on Au: a joint experimental and theoretical study
N Crivillers, A Liscio, F Di Stasio, C Van Dyck, S Osella, D Cornil, S Mian, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (32), 14302-14310, 2011
Substitutional doping of hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite crystals for thermoelectrics
W Tang, J Zhang, S Ratnasingham, F Liscio, K Chen, T Liu, K Wan, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (27), 13594-13599, 2020
White Electroluminescence by Supramolecular Control of Energy Transfer in Blends of Organic‐Soluble Encapsulated Polyfluorenes
S Brovelli, F Meinardi, G Winroth, O Fenwick, G Sforazzini, MJ Frampton, ...
Advanced functional materials 20 (2), 272-280, 2010
Tuning Intrachain versus Interchain Photophysics via Control of the Threading Ratio of Conjugated Polyrotaxanes
S Brovelli, G Latini, MJ Frampton, SO McDonnell, FE Oddy, O Fenwick, ...
Nano letters 8 (12), 4546-4551, 2008
Photoelectrochemical response of carbon dots (CDs) derived from chitosan and their use in electrochemical imaging
DW Zhang, N Papaioannou, NM David, H Luo, H Gao, LC Tanase, ...
Materials Horizons 5 (3), 423-428, 2018
Polymorphism, Fluorescence, and Optoelectronic Properties of a Borazine Derivative
S Kervyn, O Fenwick, F Di Stasio, YS Shin, J Wouters, G Accorsi, S Osella, ...
Chemistry-A European Journal 19 (24), 7771-7779, 2013
Thia-and selena-diazole containing polymers for near-infrared light-emitting diodes
G Tregnago, TT Steckler, O Fenwick, MR Andersson, F Cacialli
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (12), 2792-2797, 2015
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Articles 1–20