Glenn Harrington
Glenn Harrington
Innovative Groundwater Solutions
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Spatial and temporal variability of ground water recharge in central Australia: a tracer approach
GA Harrington, PG Cook, AL Herczeg
Groundwater 40 (5), 518-527, 2002
Using terrigenic 4He to identify and quantify regional groundwater discharge to streams
WP Gardner, GA Harrington, DK Solomon, PG Cook
Water Resources Research 47 (6), 2011
Identifying the contribution of regional groundwater to the baseflow of a tropical river (Daly River, Australia)
BD Smerdon, WP Gardner, GA Harrington, SJ Tickell
Journal of Hydrology 464, 107-115, 2012
The importance of silicate weathering of a sedimentary aquifer in arid Central Australia indicated by very high 87Sr/86Sr ratios
GA Harrington, AL Herczeg
Chemical Geology 199 (3-4), 281-292, 2003
Integrating indigenous ecological and scientific hydro-geological knowledge using a Bayesian Network in the context of water resource development
AC Liedloff, EL Woodward, GA Harrington, S Jackson
Journal of Hydrology 499, 177-187, 2013
Chemistry of groundwater discharge inferred from longitudinal river sampling
J Batlle‐Aguilar, GA Harrington, M Leblanc, C Welch, PG Cook
Water resources research 50 (2), 1550-1568, 2014
Groundwater in Fractured Rocks: IAH Selected Paper Series, volume 9
J Krásný, JM Sharp
CRC Press, 2007
A compartmental mixing-cell approach for the quantitative assessment of groundwater dynamics in the Otway Basin, South Australia
GA Harrington, GR Walker, AJ Love, KA Narayan
Journal of Hydrology 214 (1-4), 49-63, 1999
Tracking groundwater discharge to a large river using tracers and geophysics
GA Harrington, WP Gardner, TJ Munday
Groundwater 52 (6), 837-852, 2014
A robust methodology for conducting large-scale assessments of current and future water availability and use: A case study in Tasmania, Australia
DA Post, FHS Chiew, J Teng, NR Viney, FLN Ling, G Harrington, ...
Journal of Hydrology 412, 233-245, 2012
Influence of seasonal variations in sea level on the salinity regime of a coastal groundwater–fed wetland
C Wood, GA Harrington
Groundwater 53 (1), 90-98, 2015
Propagation of solutes and pressure into aquifers following river stage rise
C Welch, PG Cook, GA Harrington, NI Robinson
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5246-5259, 2013
Palaeohydrogeological insights from natural tracer profiles in aquitard porewater, Great Artesian Basin, Australia
GA Harrington, WP Gardner, BD Smerdon, MJ Hendry
Water Resources Research 49 (7), 4054-4070, 2013
Using excess 4He to quantify variability in aquitard leakage
WP Gardner, GA Harrington, BD Smerdon
Journal of Hydrology 468, 63-75, 2012
Groundwater flow in the Clare Valley
AJ Love, PG Cook, GA Harrington, CT Simmons
Report Book DWR02 3, 2002
Estimating the hydraulic properties of an aquitard from in situ pore pressure measurements
BD Smerdon, LA Smith, GA Harrington, WP Gardner, C Delle Piane, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 22 (8), 1875, 2014
Review of groundwater resource condition and management principles for the Tertiary Limestone Aquifer in the South East of South Australia
KGH Brown, G Harrington, J Lawson
South Australian Government-Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity …, 2006
Estimating seepage flux from ephemeral stream channels using surface water and groundwater level data
SL Noorduijn, M Shanafield, MA Trigg, GA Harrington, PG Cook, ...
Water Resources Research 50 (2), 1474-1489, 2014
The arsenic source term for an in-pit uranium mine tailings facility and its long-term impact on the regional groundwater
BJ Moldovan, MJ Hendry, GA Harrington
Applied Geochemistry 23 (6), 1437-1450, 2008
Comparing vertical profiles of natural tracers in the Williston Basin to estimate the onset of deep aquifer activation
MJ Hendry, GA Harrington
Water Resources Research 50 (8), 6496-6506, 2014
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