Walaa M. Moursi
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Cited by
Differentiating through a cone program
A Agrawal, S Barratt, S Boyd, E Busseti, WM Moursi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.09043, 2019
Generalized monotone operators and their averaged resolvents
HH Bauschke, WM Moursi, X Wang
Mathematical Programming 189, 55-74, 2021
On the Douglas–Rachford algorithm
HH Bauschke, WM Moursi
Mathematical Programming 164, 263-284, 2017
Attouch–Théra duality revisited: paramonotonicity and operator splitting
HH Bauschke, RI Boţ, WL Hare, WM Moursi
Journal of Approximation Theory 164 (8), 1065-1084, 2012
Solution refinement at regular points of conic problems
E Busseti, WM Moursi, S Boyd
Computational Optimization and Applications 74, 627-643, 2019
The Douglas--Rachford algorithm for two (not necessarily intersecting) affine subspaces
HH Bauschke, WM Moursi
SIAM Journal on Optimization 26 (2), 968-985, 2016
Douglas–Rachford splitting for the sum of a Lipschitz continuous and a strongly monotone operator
WM Moursi, L Vandenberghe
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 183, 179-198, 2019
On the range of the Douglas–Rachford operator
HH Bauschke, WL Hare, WM Moursi
Mathematics of Operations Research 41 (3), 884-897, 2016
Generalized solutions for the sum of two maximally monotone operators
HH Bauschke, WL Hare, WM Moursi
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 52 (2), 1034-1047, 2014
The Douglas–Rachford algorithm in the affine-convex case
HH Bauschke, MN Dao, WM Moursi
Operations Research Letters 44 (3), 379-382, 2016
On the order of the operators in the Douglas–Rachford algorithm
HH Bauschke, WM Moursi
Optimization Letters 10, 447-455, 2016
On compositions of special cases of Lipschitz continuous operators
P Giselsson, WM Moursi
Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering 2021 (1), 25, 2021
On Fej\'er monotone sequences and nonexpansive mappings
HH Bauschke, MN Dao, WM Moursi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.05585, 2015
A note on the equivalence of operator splitting methods
WM Moursi, Y Zinchenko
Splitting Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory, and Applications, 331-349, 2019
On the asymptotic behaviour of the Aragón Artacho–Campoy algorithm
S Alwadani, HH Bauschke, WM Moursi, X Wang
Operations Research Letters 46 (6), 585-587, 2018
Affine nonexpansive operators, Attouch–Théra duality and the Douglas–Rachford algorithm
HH Bauschke, B Lukens, WM Moursi
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 25, 481-505, 2017
On the Behavior of the Douglas--Rachford Algorithm for Minimizing a Convex Function Subject to a Linear Constraint
HH Bauschke, WM Moursi
SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (3), 2559-2576, 2020
The forward–backward algorithm and the normal problem
WM Moursi
Journal of optimization Theory and Applications 176, 605-624, 2018
Nearly convex sets: fine properties and domains or ranges of subdifferentials of convex functions
SM Moffat, WM Moursi, X Wang
Mathematical Programming 160, 193-223, 2016
The Douglas–Rachford operator in the possibly inconsistent case: static properties and dynamic behaviour
WM Moursi
University of British Columbia, 2016
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Articles 1–20