Anna Shafer-Skelton
Anna Shafer-Skelton
Graduate Student in the Department of Psychology, UC San Diego
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Global Ensemble Texture Representations are Critical to Rapid Scene Perception.
TF Brady, A Shafer-Skelton, GA Alvarez
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (6 …, 2017
Object-location binding across a saccade: A retinotopic spatial congruency bias
A Shafer-Skelton, CN Kupitz, JD Golomb
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 765-781, 2017
Scaling up visual attention and visual working memory to the real world
TF Brady, VS Störmer, A Shafer-Skelton, JR Williams, AF Chapman, ...
Psychology of learning and motivation 70, 29-69, 2019
Memory for retinotopic locations is more accurate than memory for spatiotopic locations, even for visually guided reaching
A Shafer-Skelton, JD Golomb
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25, 1388-1398, 2018
Binding object features to locations: Does the “spatial congruency bias” update with object movement?
AN Bapat, A Shafer-Skelton, CN Kupitz, JD Golomb
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 1682-1694, 2017
The influence of spatial location on same-different judgments of facial identity and expression.
MD Starks, A Shafer-Skelton, M Paradiso, AM Martinez, JD Golomb
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 46 (12 …, 2020
Scene layout priming relies primarily on low-level features rather than scene layout
A Shafer-Skelton, TF Brady
Journal of vision 19 (14), 1-33, 2019
A 2D Gabor-wavelet baseline model out-performs a 3D surface model in scene-responsive cortex
A Shafer-Skelton, TF Brady, JT Serences
bioRxiv, 2024.02. 26.582184, 2024
Deep-net-derived surface estimations from natural scenes predict voxel responses in scene-selective cortex
A Shafer-Skelton, T Brady, JT Serences
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2805-2805, 2021
Evaluating the independence of working memory for scene layout and simple features
A Shafer-Skelton, T Brady
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 1576-1576, 2020
Decoding of visual stimulus location in the human hippocampus
A Shafer-Skelton, J Golomb
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 873-873, 2016
Mapping a scene from afar: Allocentric representation of locations in scene-space
A Shafer-Skelton, R Epstein
Journal of Vision 24 (10), 421-421, 2024
Global and spatially specific representations of 3D scene surface configurations in scene-selective cortex
A Shafer-Skelton, TF Brady, JT Serences
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 4332-4332, 2022
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Articles 1–13