Joseph Orenstein
Joseph Orenstein
Professor of Physics, UC Berkeley and Senior Staff Scientist, LBNL
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Conduction at domain walls in oxide multiferroics
J Seidel, LW Martin, Q He, Q Zhan, YH Chu, A Rother, ME Hawkridge, ...
Nature materials 8 (3), 229-234, 2009
Advances in the physics of high-temperature superconductivity
J Orenstein, AJ Millis
Science 288 (5465), 468-474, 2000
Vanishing of phase coherence in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
j corson, r mallozzi, j orenstein
nature 398 (6724), 221-223, 1999
Emergence of the persistent spin helix in semiconductor quantum wells
JD Koralek, CP Weber, J Orenstein, BA Bernevig, SC Zhang, S Mack, ...
Nature 458 (7238), 610-613, 2009
Exact SU (2) symmetry and persistent spin helix in a spin-orbit coupled system
BA Bernevig, J Orenstein, SC Zhang
Physical review letters 97 (23), 236601, 2006
Relating atomic-scale electronic phenomena to wave-like quasiparticle states in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
K McElroy, RW Simmonds, JE Hoffman, DH Lee, J Orenstein, H Eisaki, ...
Nature 422 (6932), 592-596, 2003
Frequency- and temperature-dependent conductivity in crystals
J Orenstein, GA Thomas, AJ Millis, SL Cooper, DH Rapkine, T Timusk, ...
Physical Review B 42 (10), 6342, 1990
Photocurrent Transient Spectroscopy: Measurement of the Density of Localized States in -
J Orenstein, M Kastner
Physical Review Letters 46 (21), 1421, 1981
: Electrodynamics of Crystals with High Reflectivity
GA Thomas, J Orenstein, DH Rapkine, M Capizzi, AJ Millis, RN Bhatt, ...
Physical review letters 61 (11), 1313, 1988
Observation of photon-assisted tunneling through a quantum dot
LP Kouwenhoven, S Jauhar, J Orenstein, PL McEuen, Y Nagamune, ...
Physical review letters 73 (25), 3443, 1994
From a single-band metal to a high-temperature superconductor via two thermal phase transitions
RH He, M Hashimoto, H Karapetyan, JD Koralek, JP Hinton, JP Testaud, ...
Science 331 (6024), 1579-1583, 2011
Giant anisotropic nonlinear optical response in transition metal monopnictide Weyl semimetals
L Wu, S Patankar, T Morimoto, NL Nair, E Thewalt, A Little, JG Analytis, ...
Nature Physics 13 (4), 350-355, 2017
Large magneto-optical Kerr effect and imaging of magnetic octupole domains in an antiferromagnetic metal
T Higo, H Man, DB Gopman, L Wu, T Koretsune, OMJ van’t Erve, ...
Nature photonics 12 (2), 73-78, 2018
Picosecond dynamics of photoexcited gap states in polyacetylene
CV Shank, R Yen, RL Fork, J Orenstein, GL Baker
Physical Review Letters 49 (22), 1660, 1982
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of BiFeO3
A Kumar, RC Rai, NJ Podraza, S Denev, M Ramirez, YH Chu, LW Martin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 92 (12), 2008
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
MC Nuss, J Orenstein
Millimeter and submillimeter wave spectroscopy of solids, 7-50, 2007
Nonlinear optical properties of polymers
AJ Heeger, J Orenstein, DR Ulrich
Pittsburgh, PA; Materials Research Society, 1988
Observation of spin Coulomb drag in a two-dimensional electron gas
CP Weber, N Gedik, JE Moore, J Orenstein, J Stephens, DD Awschalom
Nature 437 (7063), 1330-1333, 2005
Photogenerated gap states in polyacetylene
J Orenstein, GL Baker
Physical Review Letters 49 (14), 1043, 1982
Transient photoconductivity and photo-induced optical absorption in amorphous semiconductors
J Orenstein, MA Kastner, V Vaninov
Philosophical Magazine B 46 (1), 23-62, 1982
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Articles 1–20