Morten Overgaard
Morten Overgaard
Professor, Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University.
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Introspection and subliminal perception
TZ Ramsøy, M Overgaard
Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 3, 1-23, 2004
Measuring consciousness: is one measure better than the other?
K Sandberg, B Timmermans, M Overgaard, A Cleeremans
Consciousness and cognition 19 (4), 1069-1078, 2010
Measuring consciousness: relating behavioural and neurophysiological approaches
AK Seth, Z Dienes, A Cleeremans, M Overgaard, L Pessoa
Trends in cognitive sciences 12 (8), 314-321, 2008
Is conscious perception gradual or dichotomous? A comparison of report methodologies during a visual task
M Overgaard, J Rote, K Mouridsen, TZ Ramsøy
Consciousness and cognition 15 (4), 700-708, 2006
Seeing without seeing? Degraded conscious vision in a blindsight patient
M Overgaard, K Fehl, K Mouridsen, B Bergholt, A Cleeremans
PloS one 3 (8), e3028, 2008
How can we measure awareness? An overview of current methods
B Timmermans, A Cleeremans
Behavioural methods in consciousness research 21, 21-46, 2015
Kinds of access: different methods for report reveal different kinds of metacognitive access
M Overgaard, K Sandberg
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
How Bayesian statistics are needed to determine whether mental states are unconscious
Z Dienes
Continuous theta-burst stimulation demonstrates a causal role of premotor homunculus in action understanding
J Michael, K Sandberg, J Skewes, T Wolf, J Blicher, M Overgaard, ...
Psychological Science 25 (4), 963-972, 2014
Visual experience and blindsight: a methodological review
M Overgaard
Experimental brain research 209, 473-479, 2011
The earliest electrophysiological correlate of visual awareness?
M Koivisto, M Lähteenmäki, TA Sørensen, S Vangkilde, M Overgaard, ...
Brain and cognition 66 (1), 91-103, 2008
Occipital MEG activity in the early time range (< 300 ms) predicts graded changes in perceptual consciousness
LM Andersen, MN Pedersen, K Sandberg, M Overgaard
Cerebral cortex 26 (6), 2677-2688, 2016
Measuring consciousness: task accuracy and awareness as sigmoid functions of stimulus duration
K Sandberg, BM Bibby, B Timmermans, A Cleeremans, M Overgaard
Consciousness and cognition 20 (4), 1659-1675, 2011
Introspection in science
M Overgaard
Consciousness and Cognition 15 (4), 629-633, 2006
Using the perceptual awareness scale (PAS)
K Sandberg, M Overgaard
Behavioral methods in consciousness research, 181-196, 2015
Optimizing subjective measures of consciousness
M Overgaard, B Timmermans, K Sandberg, A Cleeremans
Consciousness and cognition 19 (2), 682-684, 2010
Neural correlates of contents and levels of consciousness
M Overgaard, R Overgaard
Frontiers in psychology 1, 164, 2010
Can no-report paradigms extract true correlates of consciousness
M Overgaard, P Fazekas
Trends in cognitive sciences 20 (4), 241-242, 2016
An integration of first-person methodologies in cognitive science
M Overgaard, T Gallagher, Shaun, Ramsøy
Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (5), 100-120, 2008
On the naturalising of phenomenology
M Overgaard
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (4), 365-379, 2004
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